Clutch sticking

24 April 2002
Vancouver BC Canada
From time to time when the car is in a stationary position the clutch appears to stick when I attempt to release the pedal. Usually I experience this when the car is stopped on a slight incline.
I do not notice a problem changing gears once the car is in motion.
Does anyone have an inkling of what the problem is and how to remedy? Thanks.

A very mechanically challenged NSX owner :confused:
Please describe what you mean by sticking clutch:):

1. Pedal will not return up?
2. Will not go into gear?
3. Car will not move?

I noticed this problem at one point (in 1996). The pedal felt sort of like it would not return up. It would, but its movement was not smooth; it would feel like it would stick slightly at one point and then jump up a bit. It was very subtle, though, and not a serious problem, just something I noted in the pedal travel. I was told at the dealer that it would go away if they replaced the clutch master cylinder. I never bothered, and haven't noticed it recently.
Hmmm. I've been having this exact symptom on my '91. I figured I need to grease the pedal pivot. I had also wondered if it was due to the aftermarket clutch being slightly different than stock. Guess I'd better keep an eye on the master cylinder, too. Thanks.

nsxtasy said:
I noticed this problem at one point (in 1996). The pedal felt sort of like it would not return up. It would, but its movement was not smooth; it would feel like it would stick slightly at one point and then jump up a bit. It was very subtle, though, and not a serious problem, just something I noted in the pedal travel. I was told at the dealer that it would go away if they replaced the clutch master cylinder. I never bothered, and haven't noticed it recently.
Larry, There is no problem in shifting into 1st and the pedal does return. However there is sort of a disconnect or delay in terms of the expected connection point.
I am on my second clutch with about 115,000 kilometers on the car (the original clutch was changed at 80,000 kilometers (or 48,000 miles)).

Mark/Wolfgang - Does the cost of fixing the "throw out" bearing cause one to throw up?
Thanks for all the input.
I never changed only this part so I don't know the cost - but the material will surely be much cheaper than the work to replace it. If you're lucky your issue may be solved with a bit of grease (at the pedal as Nsxtasy suggested or at the throwout bearing)
You must R&R the transmission to change the throw out bearing. The throw out bearing is about $150 US, labor in the $700-850 range. I would try the grease in every place you can get to, also I would carefully check for fluid leaking either at the master cylinder or the slave.

I saw one clutch very similar to that and it was caused by the springs in the clutch disc being worn. this was from the guy launching his car alot.
Has anyone tried bleeding the clutch system first to see if there might be air in the system? It's cheap and may just solve your problems.

I think I just solved my clutch sticking problem. It turned out to be the floor mat. They always tend to move forward, and I keep moving them back to keep them away from the gas and brake pedals. But, apparently, if they're just a little too far forward, the top edge of the mat catches the clutch pedal arm. I moved my mats back farther than I usually do, and all of a sudden my clutch pedal feels smoother than ever. If you can see any of the edge of the mat in front of the seat when looking straight down, they're too far forward. I wish I could make them stay put. Anyway, I'm positive that this was the problem on my car.
NSX-Racer said:
I'm glad that it turned out that simple way for you!

I hope that others might be having a similar problem, since it's so simple. I was really surprised that this was the cause, since it really felt like the linkage was binding, or needed lubrication or something. Good luck with yours, too.