Clutch slave help? Just replaced...still leaking?

30 October 2000
Houston, TX
First off, I've read almost 100 threads already, so I've search and searched.

I had the notorious "no pedal pressure" incident. I order the master/slave and installed them the other day. Today, I get a buddy to help me bleed the clutch. We went through a bottle of fluid and nothing.

So I tighten the bleeder all the way and when we push and pull the pedal and I can hear it purging from under the car. Look underneath and there's fluid everywhere. I craw back from under the car and check to see the clutch line is installed/bolted and it is. It doesn't appear to be the clutch line either, but there's so much fluid everywhere I can't tell exactly.

Any thoughts?
I'd say you've pinched the o'ring on the slave cylinder hose where it bolts to the slave cylinder.

The clutch is a pain to bleed. The best method i use is 2 people.
one presses the clutch pedal to the floor & hold down.
then the other opens the bleed nipple for a second then close immediately. Lift clutch pedal.
repeat process til clutch bled.

hope this helps
Clean the fluid up. Wipe down the system with cleaning fluid and trace the leak. Then stop the leak. This is a very basic hydraulic system and can easily be bled down with gravity by opening the bleeder on the slave cylinder and keeping the reservior full (it takes less than 30 minutes). Once you're done bleeding the system, tighten the bleeder and pump the clutch pedal several times to bring the pressure up to normal.

Just to make sure all is in order, let's review the hydraulic clutch master/slave cylinder bleed procedure...

1.) [front-firewall] remove cap, if-necessary fill master-cylinder reservoir w/ brake-fluid & replace cap
2.) [rear-firewall] connect one end of the bleed hose to the slave-cylinder bleed-nipple
3.) [rear-firewall] connect other end of the bleed hose to a plastic-bottle
4.) [rear-firewall] loosen the slave-cylinder bleed-nipple w/ ratchet or wrench
5.) [cockpit] push clutch pedal down
6.) [rear-firewall] tighten the slave-cylinder bleed-nipple w/ ratchet or wrench
7.) [cockpit] lift clutch pedal up
8.) repeat #4, #5, #6, #7 over & over; don't forget to check the master-cylinder reservoir to make sure it doesn't bottom-out w/ fluid (also when the bleeder-hose's plastic-bottle is full of fluid, let the bubbles settle & re-add that to the master-cylinder reservoir or just use fluid from the new brake-fluid bottle)

Approx. 3-4 cycles of the series of steps #4, #5, #6, #7 will empty out the master-cylinder reservoir so be mindful of replacing the necessary fluid.

It may take 25-30 cycles of the series of steps #4, #5, #6, #7 to fully purge the hydraulic clutch-system of air.

Some questions...

- are you using a fluid bleeder hose/bottle kit (<$10 from Auto-Zone, Pep-Boys, Advance-Auto; <$5 from Harbor-Freight) or do you have a speed-speeder installed to slave-cylinder bleeder-nipple? [need one or the other]

- have you removed the stock clutch-dampener line and correctly installed a dampener-delete line? [properly affixed/tightened fastening-nuts]

- have you properly fastened the soft hydraulic clutch-line from the firewall to the slave-cylinder? [fully tightened the threaded fittings at both ends]

- have you checked the o-ring between the slave-cylinder & soft clutch-line? [it's on the slave-cylinder extension which meets the soft clutch-line]

- have you performed the bleed-procedure as-described above? [it's tedious but the only way to do it]
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Thanks guys so much for the advice! LarryB saw my post and contacted me....and hit the nail on the head. It was the slave, I must have moved it when trying to bolt it in and the thing dislodged from the fork inside the rubber square 'clutch slave boot' that SOS referenced in this thread.

Amazingly, I was able to bleed the clutch via gravity bleeding by myself with no special tools. Clutch pedal is functioning perfectly now! Special thanks to Umar (for the elaborate post and email) and LarryB.

Thanks guys,
- Z