clutch re-initialization

22 May 2002
Ok, I posted this once before and folowed the info received. After turnning the 5mm screw in the back of the flywheel by hand. I cannot find a point where the screw gets harder to turn (stop point)with a small wrench. Is it possible to go go to far and if so can you push the mid plate guide back to start over. Dan Tobie

Tell me where you are at now. Is the trans in or out?? About how many turns has the screw gone in? Are you installing a new stock clutch or another brand? Did the guides come pre-installed in the intermediate plate?

To answer your question, It would be hard to go too far without feeling the little bolt tighted up, as long as the clutch, intermediate plate, and guides are all assembled properly.

This is why I asked about the brand clutch and was it preassembled. When you thread in the bolt you are pushing the guide against the intermediate plate, which for the most part, if things are right is stationary, based on the pressure of the pressure plate. With that in mind, you can understand that the bolt will tighten up. The goal is to just get it snug and you are there. Typically as you move to the second and third hole, you may hear a little "ping" which is the whole assembly "squaring up" as the three gudes are set right.

I will check back on this later today (It's 10:30am east coast time.) If you would like call me at home, I will be around. Check your e-mail I will private you my number.


[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 10 November 2002).]
Thanks for the reply, It's a Dali type with the light flywheel. It was used about 400 then the owner went to a 6 speed. I initialized it with the tranny out as per the manual. Had a slight chatter so went to re do it. After screwing the 5mm by hand then doing the tightning with a wrench I did not find the spot where it gets tight. My question is, if you go beyond the guide touching the clutch plate plus 1/2 turn, will the guide lock there or will it be pushed back to the proper position when you back off the screw. If it can stay too far out can you get the guide back to start over with out pulling the tranny. Thanks, Dan