Clutch question

30 October 2001
Raleigh, NC USA
My buddy has a 94 NSX and had the dealer install a new clutch over a year ago. He hadn't any problems with it until lately. The symptoms is:

Once you press down and engage the clutch, it pushes down easy at first then gets kind of stuck half way down but continues to go to the wall. The tranny can slip into gear fine, but the concern is the 'snag' near the middle of the depressed clutch. It releases fine too. It knd of feels like as if the floor mat is sticking behind the clutch pedal but there's no obstruction. Do ya get the picture?

My initial impression was that the dealer didn't synhcronize/inititalize the clutch during the install, but reading the FAQ doesn't seem like the same symptom

Any suggestions. He was thinking of taking it back to the dealer but it's past the 1 year warranty on the clutch install.

Thanks in advance!
If it was not initialized getting into gear would be a problem. Sounds like the hydraulics are OK too, since it fully releases and engages.

I would check the pivot of the clutch pedal itself, if not an issue there, I would check the bell housing area, look at the shift fork for proper lube, see if you can see it binding as it pivots. With a mirror you may be able to see the pivot and throw out bearing, but it will be tough if the car is assembled (front beam in place)

So you think all this could happen even though the clutch has less than 10k miles on it?

I'll let him know and have him pass it on to his mechanic..

Thanks Larry!