clutch problems

6 March 2000
Well just recently I had my clutch replaced with a stock NSX setup + a Dali light weight flywheel. Initially, I had a problem with the clutch engagin constantly (even when depressed) which Lud pointed out to me was just in requirement of initializing (thanks again for the info Lud). Well the car worked fine, however, I'm now have a re-occuring problem that is requiring the clutch to be re-initialized. From what I can tell it is caused by either quicker or more aggresive shifts, not to say I'm extremely hard on it just assertive. I never had this problem before and would like to fix it once and for all without having to re-initialize it every other week. This sucks!
It could be a number of things.Was the clutch pedal linkage adjusted and was brake fluid changed from master cylinder and properly bled? How many miles are on your car? If the brake fluid in clutch master cylinder is almost black then it wasn't replaced and you have a good chance that master cylinder and/or slave cylinder needs to be replaced.Look inside where rod comes through firewall connecting to clutch pedal. Do you notice any sign of fluid running down? Now that I think about it....if they did adjust your pedal they should have noticed any leak.
Did you discuss this with the folks who replaced your clutch (presumably an NSX-trained and experienced tech at your dealer)? What did HE say about it?