Clutch install..

6 November 2006
Austin, TX
I'm about to start a clutch install with a buddy that's done a number, just not the NSX (famous last words..) :)
I'd like to enumerate the must have parts and the good to have parts. I'd appreciate if some of the experts could provide some guidance.. I am using a friend's lift this weekend and I'd like to have the parts ahead of time as much as possible.

My car is a 98-T 6 SPD.

Here is my list:
-RPS clutch + to bearing + flywheel bolts.
-RPS clutch damper replacement line.
-Alignment tool.

What about...
-Clutch hydraulic line... (it was recommended to me..)
-Seals... boots.. ?


These would be a good idea to have on hand:

46970-SL0-A02 HOSE, CLUTCH
91207-PR8-005 OIL SEAL (42X63X12.5) (drivers side)
91206-PR8-005 OIL SEAL (40X68X12.5) (passenger side) "Optional"

I do not recall if the RPS comes with a pilot bearing, but if not: 91006-PR7-008 BEARING, CLUTCH PILOT - You MAY need this. This P/N is from a 1996 clutch, I did not see one for the 1997+, but I think this one is applicable for the RPS, if you need it. Check with your supplier:).


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There are two oil seals that are used to seal the drive shaft and the carrier shaft coming out of the transmission, when you remove the drivers side drive shaft and the passenger side half shaft great care is needed to make sure the seal is not damaged or a transmission oil leak will be the result if the seal is damaged, having the new seals in hand would reduce down time if they are needed, they are cheap but there are two different part numbers for the seal so you would have to get both just in case.

I have pulled the half shafts out before and was able to reuse the existing seals without any problems, I do not know if it is a press in seal or not but someone here on Prime will be able to help with that info.

As soon as I find some free time I will be doing my own clutch so I look forward to any documentation of your project you can provide, pictures always help for those of us that do not like to read instructions.

Best of Luck,

I think if you do change the clutch hose, there is an oring between the hose and the slave. You can change the clutch without disconnecting this line (can be a future maintenance item that isn't really too much time saved doing it with the clutch job). If you do change it, pulling the hose straight off of the slave can be tough. Turning it first is much easier and will break the seal.

Also it depends if your rear main seal is leaking or not. If so, rear main seal and oil pan gasket too. I don't know how common it is for the NSX to have a leaking rear main seal. Mine was dry when I took mine out, but it looked to have been changed before by the previous owner.

blue loctite for the clutch bolts (read to use this.).
grease for input shaft, TO bearing, and clutch fork
sharpie to mark the rear wheel alignment
fluid I assume you mean MTF and brake fluid (bleed clutch line if it's changed)
silicon grease for the spot where the clutch cables are put onto the transmission (optional. Jim Russell just told me about this one that it can make shifting smoother).

[edit] I would definitely just buy both seals as mentioned by these guys. They're cheap enough and the chances of at least the driver's side getting nicked are pretty high
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There are two oil seals that are used to seal the drive shaft and the carrier shaft coming out of the transmission, when you remove the drivers side drive shaft and the passenger side half shaft great care is needed to make sure the seal is not damaged or a transmission oil leak will be the result if the seal is damaged, having the new seals in hand would reduce down time if they are needed, they are cheap but there are two different part numbers for the seal so you would have to get both just in case.

I have pulled the half shafts out before and was able to reuse the existing seals without any problems, I do not know if it is a press in seal or not but someone here on Prime will be able to help with that info.

As soon as I find some free time I will be doing my own clutch so I look forward to any documentation of your project you can provide, pictures always help for those of us that do not like to read instructions.

Best of Luck,


Anyway you (or Larry :biggrin:) can provide the p/n....?
Gave you the part numbers for the seals already, and o-ring comes with the new hose;)
