Clutch help!!

9 September 2006
Kanagawa, Japan
when i got into my car today to start my car i notice my clutch pedel had very little resistance like i had no pressure. i couldnt shift and stuff. i checked my clutch fluid it was very low. now.... i was wondering if this might be the only problem.. cause the following night it worked fine.. any suggestion?
Add fluid.
Pump the cltuch pedal to get it back to normal.
Recheck fluid.
Purchase new Clutch Master Cylinder and Slave Cylinder and replace both. Bleed and you will be OK for another 10-15 years:).

Common problem, see it all the time:).

thanks i kinda figure it was just the fluid.. how much would it cost and how long would it to take to replace the Cylinder and Slave Cylinder ? oh and what kinda brake fluid is best for the clutch fluid replacement? dot 3 or dot 4?
Yeah, Mine did the same thing a couple of years ago (at a car show, 100 miles away from home). Mine's a 95 so it was about 9 years old when it happened. The clutch pedal just went straight to the floor, poped it back up, and worked for couple minutes then did the same thing again.. nearby honda delarshop replaced both parts (about $170) for the parts and another $250 or so to install them. Like new afterwards... adding more fluid didn't do anyanything, even though it was low, would have had air in the line anyway I think but it was 1:00 am in the morning and I was desperate. Not sure which slave cylinder went out, just repalced both of them to be safe.
Where are you located?:)

If you check the reservoir often it will be fine until you can schedule it, or DIY.

ok this time it out for good... i got in my car to start it up and the clutch pedal was all the way to the floor soo i thought . "oh the fluid is out agian" soo i filled it up and tried to pump the pedal. no joy....:mad: it doesnt kick back or anything it just stays to the floor. i chech the fluid agian and its still full. i kept pumpin it for a while to hopefuly build some pressure.. nothing what can i do? i had an appointment to get it change this morning hence getting it started to take it there -_- and if i wasa to tow it what would i need to get? i live in camarillo, near oxnard in ventura county.
I would think IF you keep the reservoir full, you should be able to get it to purge, but maybe now your leak is too big.

Flatbed the car to the repair location.

it is full but it shows no sign of leakage.. i'll check agian in like 10 mins is there a special flatbed i can get that wont scratch my body kit?
very easy to change out the master and slave clutch cylinder...3-4 hours for a newbie.

Probably a lot less hassle than calling for a flatbed and having to deal with a dealer.