A few pics form a very nice meet and drive today.
At the morning meet at Club Auto Sport in San Jose, CA.
Our first stop was in Pacifica. A beautiful cruise along the ocean side on HWY 1.......a sweet drive through the new tunnel at Devil's Slide where I think I lost some of my hearing revving to red line with the windows down..............
Our next stop was at a small car museum in Burlingame called The Candy Store
last stop was the McLaren of San Francisco store where they had this nice little hottie waiting for us
a MP4-12C High Sport
At the morning meet at Club Auto Sport in San Jose, CA.
Our first stop was in Pacifica. A beautiful cruise along the ocean side on HWY 1.......a sweet drive through the new tunnel at Devil's Slide where I think I lost some of my hearing revving to red line with the windows down..............
Our next stop was at a small car museum in Burlingame called The Candy Store
last stop was the McLaren of San Francisco store where they had this nice little hottie waiting for us
a MP4-12C High Sport