Club 2-way Radios at NSXPO?

13 March 2004
Rockville, MD, USA
Are we still using the NSXCA Club radios?

I still have mine from several previous events.

I also have "Family Band" GMSR/FRS radios.

Do we still use these while caravaning?

The NSX trunk is small. I don't want to pack them unless we will be using them.

Scott Silverman
Rockville, MD
The Canucks had been using a different type of radio but the NSXCA is still licensed for our frequency and it is very helpful if people can bring their radios so that we can keep things organized so if you can find the room we would appreciate it.
Yeah, if you want to know where the beer is, bring your FRS.

If you want to know where Bob's favorite male strip joint is or the best deals on fancy shoes, NSXCA radios will have that info.