Close encounter with a 360 Modena Spider

14 September 2003
Bassano del Grappa - Italy
I hope you're going to like like a little story from Europe.
I was driving my NSX quietly (see mods on signature) on a beautiful mountain road leading to Madonna di Campiglio (Italy), in the Dolomiti, close to the Austrian border, when I heard an incredible noise and was passed by this 360 Modena Spider. It had a radical exhaust and I thought the noise was really excessive and it spoiled the delicate balance of the original Ferrari sound.
It had German plates, the top down, a couple inside, no hats on despite the blazing midday, mountain, summer sun.
So I found myself behind them and I thought I'd better not try to keep their pace as they would surely trounch me, but when the road cleared up and the guy opened the gas, I could not resist. I turned the A/C off, opened the windows a few inches and launched myself behind them, just to see how much ground he would put between us. He had the F1 box and I could hear the upshifts and downshifts, he was squeezing every bit out of that engine.
My Taitec Lightweight exhausts are pretty noisy too, but I could hardly hear them as they were covered by the other car, but then they sounded a lot more refined. A real class act.
Anyway, here comes the surprise, my car was not losing one inch behind them. On the straights we would come to approx. 100 mph and the distance between us would stay constant, which means that I was marginally faster than he was.
It was evident that my NSX-R box, which is a 6-speed with a short final ratio (and dual plate clutch incidentally) was a major help. My acceleration was smooth and very strong up to an indicated 8300 RPM in second and third.
But I assume the headers are to be thanked too as they bring some 25 additional HP to the wheels.
So we went on like this for quite a while. We would slow down immediately when we met other traffic, but then open up again as soon as it cleared, and it was everytime the same, with the two cars keeping a perfectly matched speed.
Actually he was daring a little more in the corners, which I was not prepared to do, but I would make that up with stronger braking, something where he probably did not feel as confident as I was.
A funny thing happened when we stopped at a traffic light, the girl turned around and tried to make out what car I was driving...maybe he was considering selling the F-car to get this faster and more attractive car behind him... :wink: (I'm only joking... before you jump in, please...).
Eventually I had to take another course and I waved to him, but he did not answer...
Needless to say I was very pleased with my car performance. I called up a friend with an acceleration meter and I was able to post these "in-gear" acceleration times, which confirmed some older measurements I had done some months ago:

60-80 mph in 3rd: 2.5 sec
140-180 km/h in 4th: 4.5 sec

These numbers seem to be very good when compared to available magazine information and probably explain why the 360 could not pull away at least at this limited sort of speeds. Plus, the 360 spider is some 100kg heavier than the closed car and there were two of them on-board...ok.

It was a nice summer day and I will not forget the face of the girl when she turned around

I had a similar experience coming home from San Diego (to Arizona) after the purchase of my '93 NSX. A 360 coupe pulled up beside me, looked over, and gave me a shoulder shrug - it was a completely open highway (very strait for those that don't know the stretch). I thought, "why not." We were both going about 75mph when we opened up the throttle. I backed off at 150 and he was about 1.75 car lengths ahead of me... I had the stock transmission and gearing at the time (now NSX-R) with RM exhaust. I was pleasently surprised by my cars performance :smile:.
Very fun to read story. I can only imagine the conversation that was going on inside the car about why the Ferrari could not lose the NSX. Just hearing the Ferrari driver say to his passenger, 'Man, this Honda is all over me,' would have been priceless. :D
Close Encounter - 911 TT

Similar story.....

I encountered a black Porsche with big reds - we "played" a bit, then opened up the throttles bodies when the traffic vanished. I was at 163 with about 800 RPM short of redline and he was only one car-length ahead.

Wow, talking about sweaty palms. :eek:
I had a simliar experience here in Indy with F1 in town, 360's were everywhere. I ran with a spider. He had the top down and passanger, but my t-top was off, I kept up easly (no mods), maybe he wasn't trying much, but it was nice to know that Honda built this car right!!!
Dan Ciesniewski said:
I had a simliar experience here in Indy with F1 in town, 360's were everywhere. I ran with a spider. He had the top down and passanger, but my t-top was off, I kept up easly (no mods), maybe he wasn't trying much, but it was nice to know that Honda built this car right!!!

I am in Indy as well....what color is your car?
redshift said:
I had a similar experience coming home from San Diego (to Arizona) after the purchase of my '93 NSX. A 360 coupe pulled up beside me, looked over, and gave me a shoulder shrug - it was a completely open highway (very strait for those that don't know the stretch). I thought, "why not." We were both going about 75mph when we opened up the throttle. I backed off at 150 and he was about 1.75 car lengths ahead of me... I had the stock transmission and gearing at the time (now NSX-R) with RM exhaust. I was pleasently surprised by my cars performance :smile:.

I forgot to mention that I was shifting at just over 7K RPMs on a bad clutch - I'm fairly confident that the 360 was going all out :smile:. It would be interesting to see how well I would fair now with the NSX-R tranny and new clutch. Of course, it was pretty scary so I don't know if I'd take the opportunity if it arose again... okay, I guess I would :biggrin: .
Don't take this wrongly. If I am driving a more expensive car than the car tailing me, I will either slow down or smoke him to avoid collision. Happens to me almost everyday (NSX is now my daily) but most of the time I just smoke them. I had a run with GT2 and TR before and I made sure that I have ample braking distance when I am tailing them. They a cool guys BTW the TR waited for me until I come to a close distance and zoom up again. :biggrin:
Meeyatch1 said:
I am in Indy as well....what color is your car?

Mines, yellow, one of like 4 here, lots of reds though. Where are you at?? Didn't you just move here too??

I'm looking to get a 3m installed too ;), once my NSX is fixed up from it's "off road" experience.
Dan Ciesniewski said:
Mines, yellow, one of like 4 here, lots of reds though. Where are you at?? Didn't you just move here too??

I'm looking to get a 3m installed too ;), once my NSX is fixed up from it's "off road" experience.

One of 4 yellow you say? I thought we had the only yellow ones in town :tongue:
Can't wait for you to get your car back on the road, so we can meet up sometime soon!
I would luv to see a dyno test on a 360. It seems that the 400 HP is a bit optimistic. :tongue:
I actually had a kill on a red 360 Spider on Brookhurst. Both our tops were down. Cool thing was the all the neighborhood kids saw me beat the car from a dead stop on McFadden to Edinger. They rushed over to my place to congratulate me afterward so I have witnesses. The 360 was on my rear bumper when we had to stop after about a 1/4 mile. I had a better launch and the other driver over-revved but it was still a kill. :)
NSXLuvr said:
I would luv to see a dyno test on a 360. It seems that the 400 HP is a bit optimistic. :tongue:

They typically shown 20~22% drivetrain loss, very high compare to other MR or even RWD cars, maybe Ferrari have been over estimating their HP#. Regardless they are still to gorgeous.

NSX only have around 12% drivetrain loss. Porsches usually show around 15~16% drivetrain loss.

Malibu Rapper said:
I actually had a kill on a red 360 Spider on Brookhurst. Both our tops were down. Cool thing was the all the neighborhood kids saw me beat the car from a dead stop on McFadden to Edinger. They rushed over to my place to congratulate me afterward so I have witnesses. The 360 was on my rear bumper when we had to stop after about a 1/4 mile. I had a better launch and the other driver over-revved but it was still a kill. :)

That is awesome kill Bradley, I bet the driver in 360 probably didn't felt too good afterwards.
Maybe we could start a new internet trend of changing the term "kills" which many find offense to "wound"! :biggrin:
docjohn said:
Maybe we could start a new internet trend of changing the term "kills" which many find offense to "wound"! :biggrin:

I'd rather be killed than wounded by a bee!

I bet the driver in 360 probably didn't felt too good afterwards

No, and I think it was humiliating because this was a large group of kids, all friends. About 4 at the Jack in the Box at the dead stop, then about 4 more before Edinger all yelling at me, waving, you couldn't miss them. :) The 360 also had some kind of an arrogant personalized plate, something about his age I think.
Last year I joined up w/a group of NSXers and friends for a spirited drive in the twisties. One of the guys brought his new F360 Challenge Stradale and everyone had a chance to admire the car as we arrived at the staging area. I was certainly impressed w/the car and even a bit intimidated by the performance potential of this stripped down 360 racer. But I was curious, never the less. After all, my Zanardi was nicely modded with the addition of a CTSC, I/H/E and lightened flywheel. But would 360 rwhp be enough?
As we left the parking lot, we immediately jumped onto a 4 lane freeway and I just happened to be sitting behind him. His exhaust note was very loud (especially compared to my CT) so it was obvious the moment he put his foot into it. I must admit that I was waiting for that moment and from two cars back I punched it in 5th gear. I was really surprised to start pulling up on him and then to pull up along side of him - all in 5th gear. I honestly was a bit embarrassed. He was just having a moment of fun and I had to make a race out of it. Anyway, I let off and he regained the lead and we exited to freeway for the twisties. After 45 minutes of spirited driving, it was clear to me that I could pull him easily in any gear. However, it was a different story when we got into the tight stuff. He would pull away from me. How much of his success could be attributed to driver ability, sticky tires (60 tread wear rating), suspension, familiarity w/the road, ..., I don't know. But I could not stay with him for very long. He later said that he was in 6th gear when I ran up on him on the freeway - which probably explains that event. But we had many opportunities to accelerate together (first-third) and it became clear to me, at least, that my red car could easily out accelerate his red car.
Malibu Rapper said:
I'd rather be killed than wounded by a bee!
No, and I think it was humiliating because this was a large group of kids, all friends. About 4 at the Jack in the Box at the dead stop, then about 4 more before Edinger all yelling at me, waving, you couldn't miss them. :) The 360 also had some kind of an arrogant personalized plate, something about his age I think.

I bet you just turned those kids into NSX fans/potential future NSX owners :biggrin:
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