Climate control question

20 January 2004
I had noticed that if I set my climate ctrl to one click back from full hot (89deg) it will wait to start blowing until the motor is warm enough to provide heat, but if I set it to full hot (90deg) it will blow on full regardless of whether heat is available yet, basically blowing cold air until the motor is warm.
Does everyone's function like this?

- Jon
Doesn't sound normal to me. Sounds like either you have a bad climate control board or a bad resistor. I would lean toward a bad cc board. If you're willing to pull the board yourself (it's not that hard), you can have them rebuilt for under $200. Member briank does them.

good luck
Can anyone else confirm for sure that this is normal operation?

Hehe, thx Brian, I was getting ready to PM you...
- Jon
Sorry, from your original post, it sounded like the dreaded "fan only works on high" symptom. Don't want to mislead you.