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clearcorners.com dispute

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1 June 2005
Happy Little Tree, Indiana
In September of 2005, I placed an order for custom LED taillights with Mike Mamos, the owner of clearcorners.com. I received my lights in early December, only to have to send them back because of water leakage and 4 of the LED's were out. I sent the lights back the first week of January, and was initially told it would be a couple of weeks for them to be repaired, which I took as a month. He continually had excuses as to the delay. As of today, I have not received my lights. Mike is non-responsive to emails or phone calls. My last email was April 5th stating that they should be shipping that week.

I have consulted with my credit card company and an attorney briefly over the matter. I have no alternative left but to take legal action against Mike and his company. I have close to $3000 invested in this transaction because I purchased brand new lights and a center piece. It is quite a shame, as Mike is a very nice person and does know a lot regarding LED technology.
Okay, Mike complied with my request for shipping, and the lights were received today. They are installed. However, the LED boards are loose, and move side to side. I am not sure how much they will move with driving, so I guess I will just have to wait and see. I sent Mike an email last week regarding the shipment and a few comments he made to me, and yesterday I received a stange automatic response from an email blocking service. He indicated in his last email to me that he would not be doing business with me anymore. In his mind, 4 months of waiting on a repair, and nearly 8 months since I ordered them, is appropriate.
I will be sending my lights back to Mike in early June to have the boards re-secured. Although Mike and I have not seen eye to eye, he is standing by his service, and is going to make things right. The email response I mentioned in my previous post was from my ISP, and not from a blocking service on Mike's end. These things look so good on the car, all of the headaches are almost worth it. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to send them back.
I received the lights yesterday, and everything seems fixed. (fingers are crossed).
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