Clear coat blemish on hood

17 September 2000
San Diego, CA
Seems that there have been a lot of painting topics of late, so this has my attention now.

On the hood of my car there is a spot about the size of bird crap (not sure if that's what it was or not) where the finish is really damaged. The surface there is not even smooth to the touch (maybe 1-2 square inches) and it's driving me nuts now.

I spotted it a few weeks ago and thought it was just something was on the hood, no luck, this patch is missing the top coat entirely.

Is this most likely a complete hood repaint to fix or is there a chance this could be spot fixed somehow?

If so, any ideas on rough cost I should expect for a complete hood repaint if it needs it?

Thanks for any advice -

I think your best bet is to take it to a good body shop thats worked with aluminum, and ask them. Along time ago, when my 1st car got keyed, they painted the door, and then painted the front and rear fender blending it in? Turned out good, but it was only a Mustang.

Anyways...good luck!

Have you tried smoothing it down with some swirl remover (Meguiars or 3M are both good) and/or some rubbing compound (which is slightly stronger)? These are products made for this purpose; they are slightly abrasive, and will smooth down a rough finish.