Clay bar - weakened paint???

15 March 2008
Only had my car a short time and this was the first cleaning. I think the car was neglected but the paint was intact - just need a little to bring it back.

Last weekend I used the Meguers clay bar rubbed over the paint light to med pressure with the detailing spray. It did an amazing job of removing grime.

Due to the condition, I followed it with their paint cleaner, polish and then the NXT 2.0 wax. As another thread has stated, I was very happy with the results. The thing just glowed in my garage (Formula Red baby!)

Anyway, I drove it once last weekend - no problems notice.
Friday I drove into to work and I went out at lunch to check it and notice a flury of new rock chips on the hood - all the way up, some scratches above the headlight almost on the horizontal surface - and a couple of scratches on the rear fender.

I cannot account for any situation on the road that I heard, saw, even felt like something happened.

I though about vandalism it is clearly small chips and enough that no one would come up with that - they'd likely just key it.

I was parked in a guard surface lot with a Boxster on one side (good spacing) and I was the last car on the end. Further, there is no street sweeping, construction or anything else I can think of.

I've been loving the attention of an NSX, but really bummed because the condition I bought it is far from perfect. I felt very good after detailing it last week - felt it was starting to turn around - but now I way further back.

Separate from a complete re-spray of the hood I not sure I'll be happy.

While I've been raving about the results from detailing, especially how smooth the surfaces are after using clay, I'm now question whether something in the process made the paint softer. It is a 95 model.

Another idea is that the front is sloped to almost a point that the air flow is very close to the hood surface allowing rock to enter. From instance, I also have a 91 Toyota 4x4. The front is blunt I have a bug shield which bumps the air stream up. It seems like nothing small ever hits my hood or windshield.

Opinions. Experiences.
Most likely rock chips that were already there and now they are more noticeable because of the high polish you have on your paint.

Depending on your car color, some wax can get caught in the chips and make them more noticeable. Try a diferent wax?
Thanks but the NXT 2.0 wax is clear - doesn't show up at white in any chips.
This is not the case anyway since I know they were not there before this weedend.
Frequent claying will remove the already worn clear coat so twice per year is good. Always after wash and keep it wet when using clay.
the clay bar DOES NOT remove any clear will remove the things that are stuck in, or on the paint that is all.

there is no way that the claybar made the paint softer.

i think you are just the lucky recipent of some stone chips...just cause your dont remember them doesnt mean the paint is weaker or anything.

Meguiers is a pretty "mild" wax...since they sell to the masses...i cannot think of anyway that the waxes would make the paint softer either. If it was brand new paint, they *could* slow down the time it takes to cure. (paint takes many months to fully cure).

i would try taking it to a detail shop that will airbrush your chips...if they are that bad or bother you that much...its will look 99.999% better and you will not have the issues of a repaint.

just my .02
You cannot soften or weaken paint by the use of a clay bar. It will only remove the bonded contamination "stuck" on the surface....

The paint cleaner you used probably helped to remove some light oxidation and thus may be the reason you're noticing more defects that you didn't see before. It probably seemed to "blend" in with the rest of the swirls and defects.

The polish and NXT 2 are very high in filler content and will fill in and temporarily cover up the flaws, so after a week or two or wash or two, many of the oils will wash off the surface showing your the truth that they were once lieing to you about.:wink:

The paint can be restored if you can find a good quality detailer. I'm not talking about someone who prides themselves on there vacuuming and dusting skills, I'm talking about someone who is skilled with the proper use of a rotary and know's how to correct paint defects and finish down hologram free. It may cost $1-$2K but it'll be well worth it and a lot cheaper then a repaint.

You cannot soften or weaken paint by the use of a clay bar. It will only remove the bonded contamination "stuck" on the surface....

The paint cleaner you used probably helped to remove some light oxidation and thus may be the reason you're noticing more defects that you didn't see before. It probably seemed to "blend" in with the rest of the swirls and defects.

The polish and NXT 2 are very high in filler content and will fill in and temporarily cover up the flaws, so after a week or two or wash or two, many of the oils will wash off the surface showing your the truth that they were once lieing to you about.:wink:

The paint can be restored if you can find a good quality detailer. I'm not talking about someone who prides themselves on there vacuuming and dusting skills, I'm talking about someone who is skilled with the proper use of a rotary and know's how to correct paint defects and finish down hologram free. It may cost $1-$2K but it'll be well worth it and a lot cheaper then a repaint.


If it's going to cost you $2k, I would have the nose repainted. Then, if you are anal about the rock chips, have a clear bra done (wait for paint to cure first). I've had the clear bra in the past and it does save you from the rock chips.

If it's going to cost you $2k, I would have the nose repainted. Then, if you are anal about the rock chips, have a clear bra done (wait for paint to cure first). I've had the clear bra in the past and it does save you from the rock chips.


Not a bad idea. The paint can be restored without repainting, but it typically takes a good 10-15 hours to make 100% perfect depending on the condition....
Maybe you guys are right about them being there already but I don't think so. Before even if I didn't see them I know I would have felt them when washing and detailing. After the clay the hood was totaly smooth.

It's raining here or I'd wash & inspect the hood and try to get a pic.
One thing, even in bad garage lighting, the chips are little divets and are white. As someone mentioned I looks like wax got hung up in them but non of the products I used had white residue - only clear.
Hopefully I'll get a change to investigate further tomorrow.

the clay bar DOES NOT remove any clear will remove the things that are stuck in, or on the paint that is all.

there is no way that the claybar made the paint softer.

i think you are just the lucky recipent of some stone chips...just cause your dont remember them doesnt mean the paint is weaker or anything.

Meguiers is a pretty "mild" wax...since they sell to the masses...i cannot think of anyway that the waxes would make the paint softer either. If it was brand new paint, they *could* slow down the time it takes to cure. (paint takes many months to fully cure).

i would try taking it to a detail shop that will airbrush your chips...if they are that bad or bother you that much...its will look 99.999% better and you will not have the issues of a repaint.

just my .02

Good point,

According to this vendor/merchant.

Traditional detailing clays are designed to remove heavy contamination. They work by sheering off dirt particles on the surface of your paint. The more aggressive the clay, the heavier the contamination load it can handle. The most aggressive grades of clay should only be used by a trained professional, as improper use will cause clear coat damage.
If used incorrectly or too harshly they can leave some marring behind, but that mostly happens on cars with very soft clear or when pushing down too hard or using a clay that is just way to aggresive for the car's condition or not using enough lube or whatever.... if people just read the directions and use it as suggested there's usually no issues.

So it sounds like I didn't hurt anything with the clay and 3 steps of wax.

Still unexplainable.
Either the car was sprayed with rocks while I wasn't there (unlikely), or
there was something like a sealer already on the paint covering the chips. Seems even more unlikely since the detailing process should have removed anything from the surface.
It did rain on the car for a short period and I just sprayed it down and lightly used an absorber to dry it. This was before I notice the chips at lunch the next time I drove it.
I don't know what others think but I have had my X for just over a month or so know and I find that it chips more than any other car I have ever had. It seems that everytime I go out I come back with more stone chips. Chips that I know were not there before. I could drive my lowered miata down a gravel road at high speed (which I often do) and come home with less chips. I find it very frustrating because other than the chips the car is pretty well immaculate but ever time I go for a drive I come back with more. I have not washed or waxed the car since I got it and so it is not a mater of the chips having previously been covered up by a sealant of some sort.

I didn't mean to highjack the thread but I sure would like to know if there is anything that can be done.

I don't know what others think but I have had my X for just over a month or so know and I find that it chips more than any other car I have ever had. It seems that everytime I go out I come back with more stone chips. Chips that I know were not there before. I could drive my lowered miata down a gravel road at high speed (which I often do) and come home with less chips. I find it very frustrating because other than the chips the car is pretty well immaculate but ever time I go for a drive I come back with more. I have not washed or waxed the car since I got it and so it is not a mater of the chips having previously been covered up by a sealant of some sort.

I didn't mean to highjack the thread but I sure would like to know if there is anything that can be done.



I try to keep 5-7 cars lenghts behind when possible. The car is aluminum thus rockchips will happen, it also helps if you baby it when your driving at least in streets that have gravel etc. You can get the 3m invisible protection.
How long have you had it? Sounds like a cheap respray job on the nose has fallen victim to rock chips. Mine was resprayed and one weekend of driving on back roads had the front end looking like a shotgun blasted it (cheap ass body shop) so I had it done again right, and no more ABNORMAL # of chips.
How long have you had it? Sounds like a cheap respray job on the nose has fallen victim to rock chips. Mine was resprayed and one weekend of driving on back roads had the front end looking like a shotgun blasted it (cheap ass body shop) so I had it done again right, and no more ABNORMAL # of chips.

I've been wondering that too.

I've only had my car for about six weeks and only driven it 3 times.
I talked to the previous owner and believe them that they didn't do any sealer or paint work but they only had it for a couple of years. The original owner could have had it painted.

I don't know what others think but I have had my X for just over a month or so know and I find that it chips more than any other car I have ever had. It seems that everytime I go out I come back with more stone chips. Chips that I know were not there before. I could drive my lowered miata down a gravel road at high speed (which I often do) and come home with less chips. I find it very frustrating because other than the chips the car is pretty well immaculate but ever time I go for a drive I come back with more. I have not washed or waxed the car since I got it and so it is not a mater of the chips having previously been covered up by a sealant of some sort.

I didn't mean to highjack the thread but I sure would like to know if there is anything that can be done.


I've also had the same thoughts. I had a Miata as well and they have aluminum hoods.
I've also had two Cobra mustangs.
Something they all have in common is a somewhat blunt front with more horizontal hood.
The nsx hood is very sloped - which by the way looks awesome - but I'm thinking this has two issues. First it's it the path of larger objects more and then the may flow closer to the hood and therefore doesn't create a cushon. The more blunt the front may create a larger gap or bounder layer b/w airflow and hood surface.

I have to get my front fascia re-sprayed anyway so now I'll probably have them shoot the hood. Eitherway, I will definitely go with a high quality shop and talk to them seriously about long term chip protection. If paint thickness, hardness, etc has any better resistance.