Christopher Dorner

What if Dorner was an employee of IBM and had his employment terminated for some reason? He's an intelligent man and writes a "manifesto" detailing how he was wronged by IBM, the CEO, the guy in cubical 47, the entire HR department. He details in his manifesto that he has exhausted all avenues for justice in seeking his job back and decides to take revenge. So he arms himself and starts killing IBM employees and their relatives starting with the innocent daughter of a high level IBM employee. Not a single person would side with him. He would be called a lunatic by everyone and would not get a smidgen of support from anyone. 99.9% of police are good people with families that have to see the worst in people everyday. I support them.
What if Dorner was an employee of IBM and had his employment terminated for some reason? He's an intelligent man and writes a "manifesto" detailing how he was wronged by IBM, the CEO, the guy in cubical 47, the entire HR department. He details in his manifesto that he has exhausted all avenues for justice in seeking his job back and decides to take revenge. So he arms himself and starts killing IBM employees and their relatives starting with the innocent daughter of a high level IBM employee. Not a single person would side with him. He would be called a lunatic by everyone and would not get a smidgen of support from anyone. 99.9% of police are good people with families that have to see the worst in people everyday. I support them.

Very true and I agree. However, if Enron was illegally manipulating a corrupt system at the cost of taxpayers and the public, and someone tries to expose this but then is exiled and terminated. Then writes about it, kills someone to get the media attention. I still think they are evil and should be killed. However, I still think Enron should be examined for corruption and illegal activities.
Very true and I agree. However, if Enron was illegally manipulating a corrupt system at the cost of taxpayers and the public, and someone tries to expose this but then is exiled and terminated. Then writes about it, kills someone to get the media attention. I still think they are evil and should be killed. However, I still think Enron should be examined for corruption and illegal activities.

Well said. I don't really know anything about how things work out in California but I'm sure, much like NYPD, the LAPD has an internal affairs unit whose only job is to root out corruption and wrong doing in the police force. If you use my percentage of 99.9% of cops are good and you have roughly 10,000 LAPD cops you still would have 10 bad cops to deal with and they can make the whole organization look bad or corrupt. The reality is there is probably more than 10 bad cops on LAPD but you get my point.
Just my recommendation...

Vega$, and KOOKOO, if you have ANY proof at all of ANY TYPE of corruption in the LAPD or the SBCSO, I would recommend that you bring that proof to the appropriate authorities IMMEDIATELY, and those authorities don't have to be in the LAPD or the SBCSO. I'm sure that you can find a lawyer somewhere to look into your allegation. Lawyers who want to sue the police and public officials can be found under every rock. If you do not have such proof, but are merely making blind and absurd allegations without any basis in fact, I recommend that you keep your comments to yourself. Some fine people were murdered in cold blood by this THUG. They didn't deserve to die like one does! One of them was the daughter of his lawyer who tried to defend his conduct. Her fiance, who happened to be sitting next to her in a car, was murdered because of what? Two officers who were well-known in their respective departments for being honest men of great integrity didn't know this THUG. They were just doing their job. One of them was just sitting in his car at a red light, the other trying to protect the public. There is absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION for this THUG's conduct....NONE WHATSOEVER no matter how ANYONE tries to spin it! To give any credibility to this murderous conduct merely displays a psychological disorder on the part of the person trying to justify it. Such conduct by this THUG just can't be justified in a civilized world. You have absolutely no proof of any misconduct on the part of ANYONE in the LAPD or the SBCSO or anywhere else. That is a fact. If you did you would be on tonight's 6:oo national news spewing your vile. ANYONE trying to justify this THUG's conduct is truly WARPED. As always, JMHO.
rotorray I have a question for you. You seem very riled about the whole situation so I just wonder what your response to my question would be.

What is your opinion towards the police officers that almost murdered 3 innocent civilians this past week?
rotorray I have a question for you. You seem very riled about the whole situation so I just wonder what your response to my question would be.

What is your opinion towards the police officers that almost murdered 3 innocent civilians this past week?

You will have to be more specific about what you are talking about. I am also not "riled" about the whole situation. I just find that people who make blind and unsubstantiated statements attempting to give ANY justifications for this THUG'S murderous conduct to be of questionable stability. It's just time to stop giving ANY credibility to this THUG'S conduct as there is no justification for it. To keep arguing points with absolutely no basis in fact is pointless. If you have ANYTHING to substantiate your claims, Vega$ and KOOKOO, bring that info forth. That's all I ask. This THUG went all the way to the Appelate court and LOST his appeal(s). How can that be blaimed on the SBCSO or the LAPD or the other department which had an officer MURDERED? i don't get it. He was a disgruntled employee who didn't get his way. Do you have ANY idea how difficult it is nowadays to terminate a police officer, firefighter or union employee. Without SUBSTANTIAL evidence it is almost impossible. Do you know how many folks would have to have been involved in a plot to get this THUG fired? You believe all of them are liars?? Really? Cherish your family because out there, somewhere, is probably someone who wants to do you or them harm and behind a rock, somewhere, is someone who will try to justify that conduct. That's just the world we live in today.

I was previously asked what I do. I am a retired commercial helicopter pilot, and that matters because??????????
It seems like you are riled up, which I stated because of my observation of you capatilizing certain words. Nothing wrong with that either. For all I know it could of been a family member of yours who was killed. Just stating my observation.

I guess my point would be to see if you feel that those police officers, who almost intentionally murdered 3 people, are "thugs" as well? Did they have any justification for their actions? Why isn't there a public uproar in regards to the conduct of those officer's actions?

If anyone else wants to add their input to my questions feel free to do so.
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You will have to be more specific about what you are talking about. I am also not "riled" about the whole situation. I just find that people who make blind and unsubstantiated statements attempting to give ANY justifications for this THUG'S murderous conduct to be of questionable stability. It's just time to stop giving ANY credibility to this THUG'S conduct as there is no justification for it. To keep arguing points with absolutely no basis in fact is pointless. If you have ANYTHING to substantiate your claims, Vega$ and KOOKOO, bring that info forth. That's all I ask. This THUG went all the way to the Appelate court and LOST his appeal(s). How can that be blaimed on the SBCSO or the LAPD or the other department which had an officer MURDERED? i don't get it. He was a disgruntled employee who didn't get his way. Do you have ANY idea how difficult it is nowadays to terminate a police officer, firefighter or union employee. Without SUBSTANTIAL evidence it is almost impossible. Do you know how many folks would have to have been involved in a plot to get this THUG fired? You believe all of them are liars?? Really? Cherish your family because out there, somewhere, is probably someone who wants to do you or them harm and behind a rock, somewhere, is someone who will try to justify that conduct. That's just the world we live in today.

I was previously asked what I do. I am a retired commercial helicopter pilot, and that matters because??????????

Thug? He looks like a ex cop/military person. I don't see thug. Someone break his cap locks key.
Well rotorray, clearly there is no opportunity for a civil discussion with you since 1)you have fixated on preconcieved ideas of what people are saying 2) are completly convinced on what the you believe are the facts of not just this case but for all of law enforcement in general with no interest in open thought 3) conveniently disregard direct questions and discussions that validate opinions differing than your own and 4) cannot comprehend simple conversational statements and understand their meaning.

I think I've stated now for about the 5th time now that in now way am I praising Dorner. I am not calling him a hero. Nor have I said he was sane, rightful thinking or a benefit to society. Nor have I justified his actions. Go ahead, go back and read every single one of my posts... we'll wait for you to catch up. Yet you seem intent on arguing the idea that I (and others) have praised him and justified his actions, both of which I (or others) have clearly not done. What I have done is simply explain "his reasons" behind his actions per his own manifesto. But you have a hard time understanding that concept and think that they are "my" reasons why he did what he did, hence point number 4 above. Secondly, you've conveniently skipped over and neglected to the actions of the police blatantly trampling and over-stepping their rights and powers as police officers. Both when they shot at completely innocent people in pursuit of apprehending Dorner and when they torched the cabin he was in.

You've clearly labeled him as an angry, murderous, heartless "thug" who was a danger to society. So using your own arguement against you, if that was clearly the case, why did he not kill the two maids that discovered him in the abandonded cabin. Instead he tied them up. If he was a heartless thug murderer with no regard to human life, why didn't he simply just kill them? Then, when he hijacked his last get away truck, why didn't he just shoot the driver? Instead he asked him to leave and he allowed him to take his dog with him. If he really was in the business of killing innocent people, then why did not kill more when he had the opportunitity and arguably the need to kill 3 more? That doesn't sounds like the remoseless killing machine you so myopically labeled him with. The fact is, he had no beef with killing just any civilian. In his head, he had specific targeted people who he felt were corrupt or wronged him. Those were his only targets. They were selective and very calculated. To just lump him in with a random killer like the Aurora shooter would be completely misunderstanding the entire course of events.

But then again, you probably think that trying to explain the difference between two type of shootings is somehow justifying and supporting his actions. :rolleyes:

Well I'm done. Too bad, there could have been some good to come from the needless death of several innocent people. Understanding the reasons this occured, understanding his motivations and investigating possible causes and possible corruption could have at least helped the public better understand why these things occur and to possibly prevent future ones from happening. And who knows, quite possibly blow the lid off of an actual corruption issue in the police (LAPD or otherwise). But instead, the police got their execution, the whole event will get swept under the rug and lumped in as a senseless killing spress just like Aurora and Sandy Hook (which it clearly wasn't) and life will go one. Just like guys like rotorray and others in law enforcement want it.

- - - Updated - - -

I guess my point would be to see if you feel that those police officers, who almost intentionally murdered 3 people, are "thugs" as well? Did they have any justification for their actions? Why isn't there a public uproar in regards to the conduct of those officer's actions?

^Yes, this. That's exactly what I was thinking. As far as I could tell, it was very quickly and quietly swept under the rug both by police and media. To me that's insane. Could you imagine if they had actually killed one of them? What if they did? That would have been cold blooded murder and I guarantee you NO police officer would have been charged with a crime. There would have been a 2 week paid suspension and ultimately the shooting would have been justified based on the "circumstances". Then the police would have used tax-payer money to pay for a settlement to the surviving family. Yet I believe it is no less forgivable than what Dorner did to innocent people. Except one carries a badge and has the protection of a system that has a lot of control over the justice system.

Umm.... hmmmm... sure sounds like the "abuse of power" and "protecting the Blue Line" that Dorner talked about in his manifesto doesn't it? I just can't see how people don't see that and make a bigger deal of it.
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"...and when they torched the cabin he was in. "

You have PROOF that they purposely "torched the cabin" he was in? Bring it forth!

"and senseless killing spress just like Aurora and Sandy Hook (which it clearly wasn't)"

You say that Aurora and Sandy Hook weren't senseless killing sprees? Clarify, please. How were these mass murders of innocent people NOT senseless killing sprees?????

Maybe YOU should go back and read your own writings. And the THUG was an ex-cop for a reason. I'm still awaiting the proof of your allegations, which you conveniently fail to provide. To make absolutely baseless accusations about the investigation into his termination when the Appellate Court found the allegations to be SUSTAINED leaves little basis for your arguement(s), that's all I'm saying. They heard both oral arguements of the accusation(s) against him and read the various investigations which led to his termination. You have PROOF otherwise???

With regard to the maids, "why didn't he simply just kill them?" Why did the THUG simply kill the daughter of his attorney and her totally "innocent" fiance, or would you just describe the taking of these lives as merely collateral damage in pursuit of a "cause"? That's why this THUG was "the remoseless killing machine" I inferred he was, but which you so appropriately labeled him. If you can't see that in the evidence of his conduct certaily nothing else will show it to you. To lay in wait and kill totally innocent people and ambush them from behind is the conduct of, to use your terminology, a "remorseless killing machine."

More will come out on this incident in the days and weeks ahead, that's for sure, but you are certainly entitled to your own warped assessment of what transpired without having any actual EVIDENCE to the contrary. After all, who needs facts when you already believe the system is corrupt? You should rely on rumor, innuendo, lies, whatevers, if you wish. To label the entire judicial system as "corrupt" this day in age is truly absurd.

The police often times deal with society's garbage, and this THUG (and he was THUG, but I could call him so many other more appropriate things, but this is a public forum) was at the top of the heap! You don't like the word "THUG"? I think that I'm being quite civil when I just call him a THUG. What will you call the person who senselessly takes the life of YOUR wife or child? (And I hope and pray that NEVER happens to anyone!!) As always, JMHO, or do you think that I'm not entitled to that either?
Once more. Any valid points Dorner may have had, evaporated when he took innocent lives. When you take an innocent life you forfeit the right to have your grievances, valid or not, to be evaluated or taken seriously. This is the only way for a civilized society to proceed, otherwise we will have those who will take the most extreme actions just to get attention to their issues. It's the same reason why we don't and shouldn't negotiate with terrorists.

If you want to discuss issues with the LAPD, fine. But do so without bringing Dorner into it.

I would like to see a serious FBI investigation into LAPD corruption.
I don't think that's too much to ask.
These threads are great for scoping out people's IQ and education levels as well as higher thoughts....

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Dorner styled himself as a Rambo-like guerrilla, someone trained to outwit and outshoot the police at every turn, and while Christopher Dorner left no doubt he could be unforgivingly violent, when it came to keeping ahead of the law during his deadly rampage, he made one mistake after another.

The last one — letting one of two people he tied up get to her cellphone and call police as he made off in their purple car — tipped authorities he was coming.

The angry ex-cop, who authorities say boasted that police agencies had no chance of capturing him except on his terms, appears to have been killed Tuesday in a fierce gun battle after he wrecked two getaway cars and had to make a last stand in a mountain cabin 80 miles east of Los Angeles.

The cabin went up in flames after authorities launched pyrotechnic tear gas canisters into it, and authorities were all but certain the charred body found inside afterward was Dorner's. They are waiting for forensic tests to confirm that, but in the meantime San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said Wednesday that authorities consider the hunt over.
My friends cousin did nothing to him. She was executed for being someone's daughter. For whatever reasons he had in his twisted brain for murdering people, he was wrong. Hell....I would have thrown the match into that cabin myself. I believe he got what he deserved for his murderous actions.

The irony of it all is that even if his allegations of the LAPD are true, which they very well may be, will never be investigated further as a result of his actions. This case will be considered closed with his death, whereas there may have been a hope of exposing them over time had he chosen a civilized recourse.
Why isn't there a public uproar in regards to the conduct of those officer's actions?

Oh, I'm sure there will be and, if, after all the facts have been sorted and processed, they acted in error then they'll be punished. The subsequent lawsuits and high visibility of the case will make sure of that. And rightfully so as, on first glance, firing w/o warning and incorrectly at the wrong person is egregious.

Public outrage should extend to the method of bringing Dorner to justice. And if it's been determined that officers acted improperly by intentionally torching the house before some semblance of due process was given or initiated then they'll be punished as well.

As I understand it, the LAPD is reopening the case (with the FBI as part of the investigation) to reassure the public that Dorner's dismissal case was handled properly. I guess, we'll see...
Jond said, "I would like to see a serious FBI investigation into LAPD corruption.
I don't think that's too much to ask."

Someone earlier said, I believe, that we could have had a good conversation about this. Actually, I think that we did. I ferretted out that some of you KNOW that there is corruption within the LAPD and the SBCSO. What is this knowledge based on? Water cooler conversations, personal experiences with law enforcement officers? In the case in point allegations were made. They were investigated by the Internal Affairs section and found to be fradulent. That finding was appealed thru the designated internal LAPD process and further sustained. It was then appealed thru the courts. It was, AGAIN, found to be fradulent and SUSTAINED and the officer was terminated. He didn't like that so he published a so-called "manifesto" saying what he was going to do in very clear language. He cold-bloodedly murders his attorney's daughter and her fiance. He then murders a police officer and tried to also kill his partner while they are stopped at a red light. Between these two shootings the police are trying to find out why the daughter and her friend were killed. The "manifesto" is found and someone (Vega$?) questioned how the two were linked. They were linked thru basic police work on the part of the homicide investigators. That's how they were linked. Throughout this process the police are charged with purposely torching the cabin and various other things. All of these accusations are based on what? That's all I ask. I am of the opinion that when someone makes an allegation they should be able to back it up with their evidence. This "CLOWN" (is that better for you than THUG?) was portrayed as a "highly trained police officer" yet he had no real "plan." It has been reported that his truck broke an axle at Big Bear and subsequently caught fire. I don't know yet if he torced it or it caught fire due to additional mechanical problems but once that happened he was winging it. No plan, no strategy, and certainly not the conduct of a "highly trained police officer", for sure. He then acted as any other CLOWN/THUG in a similar situation. In fact, he acted exactly like similar thugs in the '20's and '30s by hiding out in mountain cabins and shooting it out with police. We've seen it re-enacted many times in movies. Maybe, even, that's where he got the idea. I will end my part in this by again saying that if ANYONE has any PROOF that the LAPD or the SBCSO is "corrupt" then bring it forth. If you have no proof of your allegations then you shouldn't be making baseless and unfounded statements. Some have also said that the judicial system is "corrupt". I again ask for you to present your proof. Don't present here on this forum. Go DIRECTLY to the agency involved or bring it to the attention of the media.

Probably to the delight of most of you, absent any further substantial contributions to this thread, I will end my contributions as we are now re-hashing previously made statements. For me, it's been interesting. I anxiously await any proof of the many allegations which have been made. In the meantime, society is in a better and safer place today because a "remorseless killing machine", a THUG, is no longer hiding in our midst. As always, JMHO...
Once more. Any valid points Dorner may have had, evaporated when he took innocent lives. When you take an innocent life you forfeit the right to have your grievances, valid or not, to be evaluated or taken seriously. This is the only way for a civilized society to proceed, otherwise we will have those who will take the most extreme actions just to get attention to their issues. It's the same reason why we don't and shouldn't negotiate with terrorists.

If you want to discuss issues with the LAPD, fine. But do so without bringing Dorner into it.


Absolutely. Agreed. None of his grievances relating to him and his case should be re-examined. In fact, his actions of today prove that the LAPD did the absolute correct thing by terminating him. If someone is capable of murder, I wouldn't want him in a policing role of authority. In his manifesto, he also talks about "clearing his name". I think it's fair to say his actions are doing the complete polar opposite. So I think we can all agree that his actions, justified his firing, prove he is a nut job and is having the opposite effect of clearing his name and defending his honor.

However, it does not mean the events involving Dorner leading up to his dismissal from the LAPD did not happen and possibly did not involve some level of corruption and/or collusion. It also does not mean his accusations of the police "protecting their own Blue Line" and "abusing their powers" isn't also true. I think if the police did not back up his accusations with their over the top actions after the fact, his accusations would have been a lot less credible. But the police followed their own abuse of power almost to a script in hunting Dorner down. As crazy as Dorner may be, there were very specific events that set him off, which he clearly outlined in his manifesto. The police added credibility to his accusations by the way they reacted. And so, it would make sense to at least investigate the corruption accusations and make corrective actions, independent of the Dorner case.
I can't let this one go....

"If the allegations are true of the LAPD then what happened is a small price to pay for sparking an investigation and subsequent amendments in the LAPD to confront corruption."

Are you truly serious???? FOUR PEOPLE have been murdered in COLD BLOOD and two have been wounded and are/were near death, and that is, for you, a "small price to pay"?????

By you making that statement it is blatantly obvious that you have little respect for life.
The irony of it all is that even if his allegations of the LAPD are true, which they very well may be, will never be investigated further as a result of his actions. This case will be considered closed with his death, whereas there may have been a hope of exposing them over time had he chosen a civilized recourse.

I believe that was his point. That a civilized recourse was attempted and failed and he felt like that it did not work. In a vacuum, I would say that might be an isolated incident, but I have heard (and seen) this on enough occasions, where there is at least plausibility of this.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend's cousin. However, closing the case with his death is the worst possible outcome of this event. That would mean she died in vain no good came of it. If something happened, say new policies were put in place to eliminate discrimination, corruption or abuse of power, then at least your friend's cousin's death can be attributed to change the face of the police and affecting lives everywhere. Just like Aurora and Sandy Hook, if we just closed the door on the case then everyone died in vain. But if we use that opportunity to look at getting people better mental health care or identifying potential killers faster, or even streamlining gun control, then we can at least get something positive out of it.
These threads are great for scoping out people's IQ and education levels as well as higher thoughts...r.

So true......and you keep proving yours to us with the mindless comments you toss around here such as the ones in this thread.
Once again proving my point I see.