Christmas Family BBQ/Drive!

18 October 2004
Moutain View, Ca
Ok, we are entering holiday season, and what better way to celebrate the holidays than spending time with other NSX owners! =)

I'm posting to gauge the interest level of a Saturday BBQ/drive in Dallas. It will be a family-oriented event, so girlfriends/wives/kids/life partners are all welcome. I'm currently looking at the 9th of December (not too early, not too late). Let me know if you're interested, and this is not limited to owners in Dallas! If you're from Austin/Houstin/San Antonio, etc, and happen to be in town, or is willing to make the drive, please join us!

PM me or post on this thread! Also suggest another weekend and see if we can build a consensus.
I should be down as long as I dont have to work, wont know until a few days before. But hopefully so. Would like to try to make as many events as possible before I hop on the wagon to Albuquerque since I know there wont be many people out there to hang with :frown:
You better show up ! I'll have a yellow cake ready for you. :biggrin:

odenspike said:
I should be down as long as I dont have to work, wont know until a few days before. But hopefully so. Would like to try to make as many events as possible before I hop on the wagon to Albuquerque since I know there wont be many people out there to hang with :frown:
I'm up for goofing off, but the 9th probably wouldn't be good for me as I was thinking about going to the Ferrari Toy Run that day. See:

It seems like a worthy cause and all exotic car owners are invited, so maybe I could suggest that everyone bring a toy and join them to help the kids?

Maybe then do something the following Sat (16th) if people are so inclined?

Anyway, just a thought.

Matt_337 said:
I don't know how many Dallas people are going but DE is that weekend at TWS.

:biggrin: :biggrin: - you sound like me 2 years ago. You have been bit by the track bug:wink: