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Group Buy Christmas comes early Bright Light Tech going into hibernation LED sale

12 May 2011
Orange, CA
This is a:
Direct vendor group buy

Minimum Number of Units (can be tiered pricing): 1

Maximum Number of Units (can be unlimited): 4-5

Closing Date: 21 days

Product Will Ship: As payments are received

Payment Procedure: Deposit of $100 upon sign up, balance due upon manufacture start

Payment Methods Accepted (indicate any convenience fees): paypal to ‘[email protected]’ + 3% paypal fee, cash, money order, bank transfer (paypal preferred!)

Estimated Delivery Time / Date: all orders will be shipped for delivery before Dec 25, 2011. Orders will be built in order received in first in first out.

Product Pricing (can be tiered): over 20% off!!!

Shipping & Insurance Costs (if not included): please pm zipcode and country for quote. Items are shipped at cost

Signup List (optional for unlimited unit group buys with non-tiered pricing): Customers will be placed on roster once deposit is made

Winter is almost here and for those who know me know that I LOVE snowboarding. I GUARANTEE this will be my last group buy until my resort closes (last season they closed July 4th)

With my first group buy coming to a successful close I'm happy to start another. This group buy will be LIMITED to 3-5 participants and orders will be guaranteed to ship to your door before 12-25-2011. I know there are several people out there who were waiting to join my next GB so now's the time to jump in! And.... with a minimum order of 1 you are guaranteed to get the awesomest pricing!

All LED taillights products showcased in my thread http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148614
are applicable for this group buy!

Now for some info surrounding the group buy. Deposits made for this group buy will hold your position in line. Meaning if you’re the third person to make a deposit your kit will begin manufacture after I completed the two customers ahead of you.

All kits will be delivered before Dec 25 2011. With holidays, shopping, mountain resorts opened I need extra time to factor in building these kits. As a result I will be limiting orders to 3-5 kits. So, based on the complexity of the orders I get, I may only accept 3 or if everyone orders kits that are easy to make I will accept 5 orders.

Deposits are refundable up until 21 days after this post (this way your money is not locked up with me… earning interest for me) After that the only way to get your deposit back is to sell your position in line or if I personally refund you at my discretion. As you know I’ve dealt with many of you so I’m sure we’ll have no problems here.

Lastly this is for LED tail lights only at this time.







1 spot opened up. A customer decided not to proceed with the group buy and will be offering up his spot. I know there were several of you who wanted to be part of this group buy so now's your chance! I am looking at a delivery date of mid jan for this last spot. Whomever sends me $100 via paypal as a deposit first will get this last spot!