ok I noticed that my car now emits a chirping noise identical to tire chirp like you would get doing a mild burnout or fast launch.this happens when I do a slow low rpm launch tcs ON.same TCS off and on a slightly more aggresive launch.in other words ive tried numerous launch techniques and the same thing. only in first gear.clutch appears to be not slipping but no matter how easy I launch the car I get that damn chirping,the only time I dont get it is if I let the clutch out real real slow low rpm not good as riding the clutch is a no no.any ideas?anyone else experience this.man one thing after another.I would really appreciate some feedback on this.my tires are not worn and the noise sounds as if it is coming from direct center behind me??this just started and never did it before.I have had my new clutch since march.stumped.I could never get my tires to chirp with tcs on even if I wanted to it just grabs and goes.now it does this and it is not the damn tires
[This message has been edited by BadCarma (edited 09 August 2002).]
[This message has been edited by BadCarma (edited 09 August 2002).]