China Just Launched Man Rocket


Now that's a real rice rocket!

Nice to have another player in space. I had thought the EU would do it before China, but as far as I am concerned, the more nations in space, the merrier.
This, to me, is a reason for concern, given that one day we might have to fight them. The less technology they acquire, the better I feel.
NSX/MR2 said:
This, to me, is a reason for concern, given that one day we might have to fight them. The less technology they acquire, the better I feel.

Why would you worry about fighting the Chinese, Can we all just get along? If U.S. will stop being the world policeman. there would be less conflicts.
We are no longer...

EIFFEL said:
Why would you worry about fighting the Chinese, Can we all just get along?

It's the whole Orwellian thing -- "We are no longer at war with Eurasia. We are now at war with Eastasia."

Frankly, I don't see war with China anytime soon, for one simple reason: trade. The US is China's biggest customer. What would China have to gain by attacking us?
Why would you worry about fighting the Chinese, Can we all just get along? If U.S. will stop being the world policeman. there would be less conflicts.

100% agree with you. What kind of right does the US has to interfere with other nations' custom and culture?

Now that's a real rice rocket!

China has been launching rice rockets for the past 2000 years, this is the first manned rice rocket.
I am an officer of the U.S. Army - I was taught not by so many words, but there is a feeling that "yes," one day we might have to fight them.

I said: "one day," but I don't think it is going to be any time soon. It is no secret that the Chinese wants to replace us as the world's sole mega-superpower (not superpower no more after Iraq.) They have been trying to copy-cat us for years in the ways of trade, technology and militarily.

Trading with China is good, but let's not forget how China's eyes keep looking outward toward Taiwan. China wants to expand and everybody knows it. There are islands out in the South China sea (The Spratly and Paracel arch.) that are currently contested by Vietnam, China, Philippine, Brunei, Taiwan and Malaysia.

Vietnam lost all of the Paracel arch., and a portion of the Spratly arch. that was held by Vietnam was taken by force from China after their navies fought a brief battle. These are being negotiated right now - If it can't be solve by an agreement, it will eventually turn into conflict(s.)

There are thoughts to be ton of oils underneath those islands. Beside, whoever controls those islands control the busy trade section in that region where many merchant ships from all part of the world crosses. Japan, in WWII, used those islands as bases for their navy and submarine forces.

Beside the sea, China also have had problems with their frontiers regarding to India, Tibet and Vietnam on land.

Those countries that the United States have problems with right now, I don't worry about them too much. However, a conflict in North Korea will require lots of sacrifices from our people.

In case of a war with China, our heart and technology know-how will see us through, but there will be hell to pay.
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I am so glad that the U.S. is where it is at today. You can claim that it is unfair to other nations. However, think about this: "When did this become a fair and just world?"
Unfair? :eek:

It's amazing what short memories some have. Not that we're perfect by any stretch, but it wasn't that long ago that...

Germany, Italy, Japan, USSR, North Korea, North Vietnam, Iraq, et al attacked their neighbors...and I guess our involvement and help was SO unfair.
Gimme A Break

If U.S. will stop being the world policeman. there would be less conflicts.

Oh, and who do third world countries turn to for help? US.

Oh, and who bailed out European countries after WW? US.

Oh, and who helped end Kosovo suffering? US.

Oh, and who had a mad man at the German helm? Not US.
Two Way Street

What kind of right does the US has to interfere with other nations' custom and culture?

When we allow immigrants from those cultures.
Re: Two Way Street

AndyVecsey said:
What kind of right does the US has to interfere with other nations' custom and culture?

When we allow immigrants from those cultures.

So every country have the right to interfere with every other country now??? I mean surely there's American immigrants to Japan and Japnese immigrants to China...etc. If what you assert is valid, Antartica can send armies of penguins to over run the US because there's some polar bears in the US... :D

And about someone's comment on war between US and China, it is absurd to say that war between US and China is evitable... It would probably make more sense to say that man-kind would unite to fight alien in the future.

The way I see it, the more technologies and scientific developments, the better the world for man-kind (generally speaking).
Re: Gimme A Break


Oh, and who do third world countries turn to for help? US.

Oh, and who bailed out European countries after WW? US.

Oh, and who helped end Kosovo suffering? US.

Oh, and who had a mad man at the German helm? Not US. [/B][/QUOTE]

this is the mentality i am referring to. The current tension in Israel is a current example. The only reason U.S. steps in is for gains in power, status, influence. Let's get rid of poverty in this country and expose more children to foreign cultures. and may be in 20 yrs. we will have a more harmonious society.
China vs. USA seems inevitable.

Even playing PC games like C&C Generals, the chinese and USA can fight each other. (USA still rocks though ;) )

[note: this was my attempt to add a little "chill pill" humour before we all start getting too serious]
The only reason U.S. steps in is for gains in power, status, influence.

What tripe.

What about Kosovo, Somalia?

I'm still trying to figure out which countries we've "interfered" with.

I'm sure the USA has acted for our own self-interest in many cases, but to say that the ONLY reason we step in is for power, status or influence is simply slanted and incorrect. Since WW2 the US has spent 1 trillion dollars in foreign/humanitarian aid.

Our friends in Kuwait pleaded with us to help them when Iraq invaded them. If Iraq never would have invaded Kuwait - we wouldn't have soldiers there today.

Here is how I have came to realize the statuses of my country: "Taker and giver." No matter what it is, I am here to support it.
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NSX/MR2 said:
Here is how I have came to realize the statuses of my country: "Taker and giver." No matter what it is, I am here to support it.

This is what made U.S. the best country in the world. because we can all voice our differences and still support the country in time of need. Many different people but one heart devoted to our beloved country! U.S.A. #1:)
EIFFEL said:
Why would you worry about fighting the Chinese, Can we all just get along? If U.S. will stop being the world policeman. there would be less conflicts.
Thank God that we have the USA being the world's policeman constantly putting pressure on countries that are chaotic. Who knows how many millions of people would have been slaughtered by just the communist Chinese government over the years had it not been USA's presence. What about the conflicts and atrocities in Eastern Europe? I don't think there would be Kuwait, Saudi, or whatever Middle East countries on the map other than Iraq if USA did not intervene in 1990. I am now one proud US citizen who immigrated to this country in 1982 from China. I am forever grateful to this country for the opportunities it affords me to let me achieve what I did. It was not easy selling KungPao Chicken in Chinatown while learning English and going to school, but at least I had the opportunity to do it. You guys don't know how lucky we are.
China now has a newer generation of leaders to rebuild the country. A lot of them were educated in the USA and they brought back new technologies and most importantly, higher appreciation of human rights. They are not quite there yet, but a lot better from before. However, I am not saying USA is without flaws. Sure, the USA has also done major mistakes to the world. But the world would have been much more chaotic and have a lot more suffering without the USA.
No kidding, this is a country that if one wan't born here, yet still has an opportunity to becomes a governor.