checking coolant level

15 September 2004
sacramento california
this is a stupid question but
1. i read the owner's manual.
2. i looked in the shop manual.
3. i checked the FAQ.
4. i did a search.
and i still cannot figure it out!

the question.
i cannot figure out how to check the coolant level in the plastic tank on my 1992.
i see no level when i look at it from the side. furthermore i have tried back and sidelighting the tank with a flashlight.
still can see no level. i took the cap off with the engine cold and peered down the hole with a flashlight and it looks like there is a well with the coolant in it and then what appears to be a ledge around the hole. should the coolant be up over the ledge? the car is running perfectly BTW.
I replaced my coolant tank a couple of months ago with a new factory replacement. Like many, I hated the ugly white focal point in my engine bay. So after painting it black I had a real problem checking the level. Even with a flashlight there was not enough room; my big head kept hitting the engine cover...and I didn't want to risk rubbing against the fender.

So I invented a solution: use a wood skewer (like shish-ka-bobs) to dip into the coolant tank until it reaches the bottom. Then mark the level of the top of the tank with your thumb on the skewer. Remove the skewer and align it beside the tank to get a reading. The greenish/blue level on the wood should be easy to spot.
Briank said:
The trick on painted tanks is b4 you paint it you put a line of 1/8 tape up the side. This leaves a line in the paint to see the coolant level with the flash light trick noted above.

Brian, I thought about this before I did it, but didn't want a white stripe!

"I'd rather look good than feel good" :smile:
-Billy Crystal as Fernando Lamas