Check this out guys


15 July 2009
Found this guy asking about an NSX, you have to read this so funny

I know its from 2005 and is an Old post but he had to be desperate.

I have Bold print the funny parts

<SPAN5834805>Salvage</SPAN5834805> <SPAN5834805>NSX</SPAN5834805>

[FONT=arial, verdana]Posted by Matt
on July 17, 2005, 4:47 pm

<TABLE border=0 width="90%"><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>[FONT=arial, verdana]Hi-
I am considering a 1991 NSX automatic (I know, it's an automatic)
The <SPAN5834805>CARFAX report</SPAN5834805> reveals 5 owners, 4 of them since 2002, but the current owner is only asking $13K.
It has a <SPAN5834805>salvage title</SPAN5834805> (from 5 states)
A junk title (from 2 states)
A rebuilt title (from 1 state)
Odotmeter fraud (from 2 states)

It has failed smog once (a long time ago, and has passed since then)
Last registration was in Louisiana and I am in California
<SPAN5834805>CARFAX</SPAN5834805> estimates odometer was rolled back by 8K miles, and there is an indicated 61K now.

I have not seen the <SPAN5834805>car</SPAN5834805> yet, but the current owner claims it to be in perfect condition.
Carfax says he purchased it 11 months ago. It also has what he claims to be an $8,000 set of <SPAN5834805>TSW</SPAN5834805> wheels.
Do you guy think this is a disaster waiting to happen?
What problems would I have registering it in CA (smog etc.)?
Should I avoid this <SPAN5834805>vehicle</SPAN5834805> at all costs (as my brother tells me)?
What would a good price for a car of this type be? (I was thinking around $7,500)
Is $13K way to much for a car with this type of history? (especially since I would strongly prefer a manual) Any input would be greatly appreciated. I will most likely go see the car as it is only 5 minutes away. Thanks in advance.
-Matthew S-

Heres the link ot the site

Only thing is if hes gonna make it a track car but man thats BAD NEWS with a Capitol B
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LOL I don't think I would want to drive a car like that, much less on a track.
Still, $13K won't buy a brand new Hyundai Accent......I admit that as long as it wasn't reassembled with a blow torch, it would make me think about it....

It's all about the price point......sure, it's got more issues than a pregnant pole dancer, but for a daily driver?
its an old post but if your that desperate for an NSX then I think yeah go for it, but man that car had every thing but the kitchen sink wrong with it.
he would have had to pay 30K just to fix the issues i think.

funny none the less
Not that I would even go near this car anyway, but I found the part about $8000 TSW wheels pretty funny. That alone would tell me the seller is an idiot and/or a liar.