Check out this weatherman's first day on the job.

I almost had to stop the tape as I felt so bad for the guy. Where was the control room to cut for an unexpcted commercial or technical problems!?

But then, I would like to think this is a hoax; even the anchors were pretty much novices for a local station - they looked like high school/college kids.

On the other hand, if it is real, somebody should have mercy and block the tape.

I don't think it was a hoax. I think that the normal weatherman didn't show up and they grabbed someone from the press room to do the forecast. It is evident that he can't cooridinate his movements when looking at the monitor on the set. I was watching the entire segment like it was a bad train wreck. I just had to see how he was going to handle himself, which he did pretty well considering the situation.

If it was me, you would have heard a few choice curse words and I would have walked off. :biggrin:

edit: Just saw CDX's post and that makes a lot of sense.
I agree... man, i couldn't watch the whole thing myself... I had to force myself!!
That was beyond painful to watch. That will haunt the poor fellow for years.
I just wanted to make it stop. :frown: