Check engine light: code #21 Vtec spool

21 January 2004
New Brunswick, NJ
I was driving to work the other day and the check engine popped on. I kept driving but the car went into limp mode and was kinda breaking up at the top of the RPM range. Anyways, i turned off my car and turned it back on and the light was now off and it stayed off. Car never went into limp mode and was boosting fine, no issues.

I got to work, retrieved the code and it was #21, front VTEC spool. This was the first time the light had ever been on and it hasnt gone on since. Should I replace the VTEC spool, as it doesnt look like its too hard to get too or dont worry about? Can it cause any other damage?
imo I'd first take it out and inspect the gasket/filter. I've already fixed several cars that had that gasket leaking. Seems like a quick fail point over the years...

as for the spool itself, that's what opens up the passage to shoot the oil to the sliding pin that locks the rockers together for VTEC..

if it's the valve i'd replace it... here's more information if you're that bored.

VBNSX said:
imo I'd first take it out and inspect the gasket/filter. I've already fixed several cars that had that gasket leaking. Seems like a quick fail point over the years...

as for the spool itself, that's what opens up the passage to shoot the oil to the sliding pin that locks the rockers together for VTEC..

if it's the valve i'd replace it... here's more information if you're that bored.


I was a quart of oil low, wouldnt that affect it as weel?
It could, if the engine was sucking air. The CEL comes on if the vtec oil pressure sensor doesn't confirm the solenoid is opening. Either the oil pressure isn't high enough to trip the sensor or the solenoid is stuck. The CEL could also come on if the switch were bad or if the valve were stuck open, and the pressure switch was reading pressure when it shouldn't be. A bad switch or solenoid would tend to stay bad though.
Hi Mike,

Low oil will absolutely cause this. You need to always have max oil pressure at the top of the heads. Since I abuse my 1998 Accord, and sometimes I run low on oil I get a 1257(ODBII) which is the same code reference as you are seeing:). It is the spool valve going "WTF, where's my oil pressure!"

Add oil, check gauge, have more fun. Tells you that you really need to check you oil more regularly though;).

Larry Bastanza said:
Hi Mike,

Low oil will absolutely cause this. You need to always have max oil pressure at the top of the heads. Since I abuse my 1998 Accord, and sometimes I run low on oil I get a 1257(ODBII) which is the same code reference as you are seeing:). It is the spool valve going "WTF, where's my oil pressure!"

Add oil, check gauge, have more fun. Tells you that you really need to check you oil more regularly though;).


I was goin' call you yesterday but I didnt want to bother you. Yes I do need to check my oil more frequently. I added oil and drove the car all day yesterday and the light never came on. Guess, im good to go.:biggrin: