Chat with Andrie and CiaoBoy

15 May 2002
Atlanta, GA
CiaoBoy said:
He was merely summing up what you said, and stating that he already knew this.

This is the crutch right here. If he summed up what I said then he would have known that my main point was not that an intake and exhaust help engines breathe better. The point was about bottlenecking. By summing up my point incorrectly or only partially tells me that you/he didn't fully understand what I was trying to communicate.

If I read to you the Declaration of Independence, and you said back "Yes I understand that '[The Colonies] have warned [The English] from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over [the colonies]' "

Then you've obviously missed the point. You picked out a piece, a part, a stepping stone to the main point and tried to make it my main point.

If instead Andrie had said back to me "Of course bottlenecks will hamper the performance of the engine" or "I realize that the stock intake and exhaust are severe bottlenecks" Then I would have stopped right then and there. Instead he stressed the sentence that was NOT my main point. THAT is what led to the confusion, and its why I tried to make sure we we understood eachother.

Your original point was that helping an engine breathe more easily, with whatever the methods, will improve the numbers. Andrie was asking specifically whether a few of those methods were implemented.

My original post was about bottlenecks.

Andrie said "300hp for 3.5L seems low"

I wanted to make sure that Andrie understood that it was a severely choked/bottlenecked 3.5 Liter motor.

If choking/bottlenecking is such common knowledge would you be just as unimpressed with a 350 hp 3.5 Liter NSX? Because Factor X could very well achieve 350 on a 3.5 Liter with just bolton's added to a motor with similar internal modifications performed on SexyRed's NSX.

If Factor X continues development to bring us a true 3.5 Liter motor (rather than a 3.31 Liter) with all accompanying bolt on's, including a velocity stack, and test pipes, and catback, and it doesn't make 350 hp then I will be disappointed and will grant that you that you had every reason to believe that 300 hp was indeed low for a 3.5 Liter.

So admit that a 350 hp 3.5 Liter Naturally Aspirated NSX with all boltons is unimpressive and I'll admit that 300 hp for 3.5 Liters with stock intake, and exhaust is unimpressive.
you started a new thread to continue an argument from another topic? Keep your hands off the keyboard and stay away from the monitor NOW!
maomaonsx said:
you started a new thread to continue an argument from another topic? Keep your hands off the keyboard and stay away from the monitor NOW!

I didn't want to hijack the other thread. It was a pretty informative thread too, not just some blabber.