Hey guys many of ya'll know me but for those who don't I'm a student at Southern Polytechnic State University in Marietta, Ga. My Fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon is holding its annual charity car show and I'm IN-CHARGE of the event. Id like to invite all of you to this Awesome event to Benefit the Alzheimer's foundation. Being a Loyal NSX owner id love to get alot of X's out to this show and if you pre register i will put us all together! This should be a really fun event and its for charity. Here are the details:
The Xi Chi chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon is holding its annual Cruz'n Teke car show to benefit the Alzheimer's foundation on Saturday April-21-2007 On Southern Polytechnic State University's Campus. Pre Registration will be done by email at [email protected] (email for a registration sheet) The price for preregistration is $10.00 per car and $17.00 dollars per car with a T-Shirt. Registration must be in by Saturday April-14-2007. Registration at the gate will be $15.00 dollars and shirts will be for-sale for $10.00. Registration is from 9am-11am and the show runs from 10am -4pm the Judging cards will be passed starting at 10am. THIS EVEN IS JUDGED BY EVERY ONE WHO COMES!!! so bring your best! the awards ceremony begins at 4pm. We want to make this HUGE so invite all your friends who love cars or just want to come out and have a good time.
Please Invite all your friends NSX's or not. Thanks Guys hope to see you out at the show. -Kevin Gautier
The Xi Chi chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon is holding its annual Cruz'n Teke car show to benefit the Alzheimer's foundation on Saturday April-21-2007 On Southern Polytechnic State University's Campus. Pre Registration will be done by email at [email protected] (email for a registration sheet) The price for preregistration is $10.00 per car and $17.00 dollars per car with a T-Shirt. Registration must be in by Saturday April-14-2007. Registration at the gate will be $15.00 dollars and shirts will be for-sale for $10.00. Registration is from 9am-11am and the show runs from 10am -4pm the Judging cards will be passed starting at 10am. THIS EVEN IS JUDGED BY EVERY ONE WHO COMES!!! so bring your best! the awards ceremony begins at 4pm. We want to make this HUGE so invite all your friends who love cars or just want to come out and have a good time.
Please Invite all your friends NSX's or not. Thanks Guys hope to see you out at the show. -Kevin Gautier