Tony Montoya said:
Remove and replace the battery tie-downs while the negative post is off
e_nsx said:
I def. have not followed this advice and I've had to replace/remove my battery several times.
I believe Tony meant that only remove or reconnect (i.e. not replace, as in get a new one!) when you have the negative terminal already disconnected. This is solid advice and must be followed for safe practice.
Removing the negative terminal should always be the first step & reconnecting it always the last step. To illustrate further why, the positive terminal is very close to surrounding chassis objects - if you touch any chassis component with your wrench, you will get an incredible arc if the negative is still connected. However if the negative is removed
first, it does not matter if your wrench touches anything, as there is no circuit to complete.
If the battery is a "Reverse" mount as in the OEM, it will end up with the terminals at the front, close to the hold-down bracket. This is not a problem in itself generally as the cables will still reach the terminals, but you just need to be aware of the proximity of the bracket. One NSX I saw had a reversed battery installed & when re-installing the hold-down bracket has done so upside down - this was a potentially hazardous situation as the correct orientation has a cut-out in the bracket to ensure clearnace, while upside- down made the bracket dangerously close to the terminals!
As to other initial questions, yes you will have to reset the clock to the correct time & re-program your radio station presets which will be lost from memory. There is nothing else to worry about with respect to the power being disconnected (unless you have an after-market alarm with battery back-up siren, in which case it would have to be switched to the maintenance mode before disconnecting the main battery).
Summary of important steps:
1) Disconnect negative terminal first before removing positive
2) Remove the hold-down bracket & remove the old battery
3) Ensure that when new battery is installed, the positive terminal is on the driver's side (right as you are looking into the compartment) - this is regardless of whether the battery is a reverse model (with posts closer to front of car) or conevtinal, (with posts closer to rear).
3) Ensure the hold down is oriented the correct way up (note before removal) and install prior to the battery terminal reconnections.
4) Reconnect the positive terminal
5) Reconnect the negative terminal
6) Re-install the spare wheel holder & wheel.
7. Re-program radio & clock.