changing engine over == changing hoses?

30 July 2001
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
I'm considering replacing my OEM engine cover with an engine cover that exposes the engine like those sold by Science of Speed.

Is it absolutely necessary that rubber hoses be swapped out with those that are more resilient against UV radiation? What are the consequences if you do not?

Also, which hoses specifically need to be changed? Is it anything rubber? Does someone sell a kit to address this issue and is this something that can be done by a neophyte weekend mechanic or should this job be left to a professional?
i recenlty changed the black rubber hoses and the high pressure ones. bought all these from Dali. both have color choice and I used red for my white X. I plan to instal see-thru engine cover but did not get to it yet. My X is 91 so the hoses were getting soft with the hi heat/humidity in HK.
an easy weekend job, just do one hose at a time.
I sport no engine cover and keep my hoses and rubber coated with a UV rubber protectant. I go over all of them once a month. Seems to work for me. All the rubber looks like new with no visible cracks to be seen.
Dali Hoses

I use a high quality tint over the back window. Mine is a daily driver parked every single day in the sun - no problems.