CF NSX-R spoiler... repairable???

26 August 2008
New Jersey





by the pictures, is this spoiler repairable? all of the defects are in the clear coat including but not limited to a FINGERPRINT, over runs, chip, and what looks like particles that is stuck in the clear when it dried. there are a couple of spots where a particle of some sort is in the clear.

for those who are familiar with body shops or have one, how much would this fix cost?
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no, biggie...

If the carbon-fiber weave isn't affected or been breached, so to speak, the clear-coat & gel-coat need to be carefully wet-sanded down to the epoxy-resin to remove the blemish(es)/damage(s). That is assuming the damage(s)/blemish(es) are relatively superficial.

The affected area's surface will now need to be aggressively polished.

Then, a high-quality non-clouding gel-coat will need to be applied to even out the contour & level the surface.

Finally, some UV protective clear-coat will then be sprayed on the newly repaired area.

To finish off the job, some fine wet-sanding & polishing/buffing will restore a uniform finish.

At least, this is how I've repaired/addressed minor blemishes on carbon-fiber/carbon-glass components.

Regarding how much an experienced/skilled body-shop would charge for such a service, well it's more dependent on labor than materials, in this case. . .

G/luck! :cool:
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oye. . .

Just to get an idea, how much would you charge for that job?
Two confessions... my CRT monitor really, really is dated/sub-par so I can't see the full extent of 'damage' from your images -&- perhaps more importantly, I'm an amateur D.I.Y.'er (a.k.a. weekend-warrior), very-very far from being a true skilled/experience professional.

Anywayz... for argument's sake, we can break it down:

- various grades of wet-sandpaper ($10)
- rubbing-compound ($5)
- plastic polish ($10)
- polishing/buffing PC/orbital pad ($5)
- high-quality, non-clouding gel-coat w/ surface catalyst ($15)
- UV protective clear-coat ($10)

Total: $55

- depending on # of blemishes & size of damage area
- perhaps ~2 hrs total (though will take a 2 days total, as gel-coat requires time to dry/cure, and clear-coating will require 1-2 applications & time to dry)

Total: depends on their billed hourly rate...(!)

In all honesty, that's all I can say w/o looking at the blemishes/damages in-person. Need to see/feel it to really get an idea, when dealing w/ plastic/composite epoxy-resin parts. . .