Center taillight section

28 November 2004
Has anyone separated the two halves and replaced the
Acura letters with NSX? If so how do they come apart and
how do you remove the letters? Thanks for your time.
Oh you poor soul - you are about to be slapped silly from numerous replies suggesting you should learn to use the search - but not from me! ;)
Sohcem said:
Has anyone separated the two halves and replaced the
Acura letters with NSX? If so how do they come apart and
how do you remove the letters? Thanks for your time.

You already know that someone has done this because you responded to a thread for the "NSX" sticker.

In the thread there was pictures of the sticker installed and also links on how to " DO IT YOURSELF! "
Acura NsX Pilot said:
You already know that someone has done this because you responded to a thread for the "NSX" sticker.

In the thread there was pictures of the sticker installed and also links on how to " DO IT YOURSELF! "

Now that's incriminating evidence. If the glove fits, you must.... oh whatever.