center dash vent stuck

26 July 2007
i need to get to the

ok i removed the clock, then two screws behind the clock.

i tried moving the vent forward a little bit to get to the underside clips. but i can't the vent far enough forward to even see the clips.

any help would be appreciated. thanks.
take your drivers license, and wedge it on each side at the bottom of the vent. while its wedged, give it a light tug and it would come out.
i've tried wedging two credit cards under it and tugging. it doesn't work. it won't budge. the bottom of the vent which 'sits' on the console moves forward maybe 1mm, i can't get it far enough to unclip the clips.

thanks for the link, do i have to remove the arm rest and ash tray first? does that help loosen the top of the console - more room/play up top? probably not since there's two screws at the top - maybe?

i'm going to try it again, as always being careful and taking my time.
thanks for all your help. i knew where the clips were, from lots of previous searches. its just really difficulty to unclip them.

anyways, good news. i got them to unclip.

here's how i did it, just in case anyone is wondering.

1. remove armrest
2. remove shift knob
3. remove ashtray
4. remove clock
pretty standard up to here, and this is where it gets tricky. first off be very careful as its easy to scratch parts.

5. remove center dash vent.
- i gently pulled the vent as far forward as i could
- then using cue cards stock i covered the top portion of the console.
- i used two credit cards to slide under the vent, trying to angle it as parrallel to the ground as possible to make sure i'm on the underside of the clip. i did this for each clip.
- then with a firm grasp of the inside of the upper portion of the vents, i then pulled. i believe it was this action that got it loose, as it rolled/rotated then popped out of its tight spot. :)

thanks again for all your help.