Ccccrrrrrraaaaaazzzzzzzzyyyyy Story

6 September 2004
san diego
OK this article was in the newspaper about 2 weeks ago, just started to hear about it now at work. this was at a house in lakewood nj, the parents where out of there house and had a baby sitter watching the kids. this is a 2 story house and the basement is done up for the kids, there bedrooms are downthere and there bedrooms are down there. well, the baby sitter was putting the kids to bed and straightning up the place when she seen abouta 4 foot clown standing there looking at her. she looked at for a few minutes and got freaked out and called the mother. she called the mother and said, there is a four foot clown down here that is freaking me out can i move it or put it in the closet or something. the mother said to the babysitter i dont have any 4 foot clowns, the baby sitter said are you shore i am looking at it right now. the mother told her to grab the kids and get out of the house and call 911. the baby sitter gets the kids out and calls 911. the cops come and raid the house. the clown was a midget dressed up in a clowns outfitt. the cops said the midget was on many drugs at the time they arrested him. cops think the midget was in the house for a week according to the mother. the reason why she told the babysitter to get the kids out of the house was because a week earlier the mothers daughter said i like that clown mommy he is really funny. the midgetts parents own a store next to a halloween store where he got the outfitt.
i was pretty freaked out when i heard that story
Ojas said:
You think that's crazy? I read this and have not touched a computer since:

As soon as I read that, I logged off and turned off the computer.
Told my boss that I refuse to work until a full investigation is done
and my safety assured !