Caught in SnowStorm at lunch!

8 April 2004
Edmonton, Alberta
Went into the Dentist a 11:45, came out at 12:45 and what...................
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Snow ? Whats that ?
Heh. We get snow once every 10 years here in Houston Texas.

Thats why I cant relate to all you northern Nsx owners who have to put away your cars for winter, etc. :cool:

Cool pic .
I hate SNOW! Im considering a move to Cali or Florida.... :tongue:
Thats crazy! I can't believe how white it is. Here's what it looks like in Southern California right now. The dang clouds makes everything soo gloomy. :tongue: This was taken on Friday. :smile:

and then on Saturday
which ones your house, I'll be right down!!!
Hapa88 said:
Thats crazy! I can't believe how white it is. Here's what it looks like in Southern California right now. The dang clouds makes everything soo gloomy. :tongue: This was taken on Friday. :smile:

and then on Saturday

Aaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggg!!! I hate you guys! Gloomy?!! What the hell do you know about gloom? Here, even if the sun is out, it's too damn cold to walk outside! I think even England sees more sunshine than Ohio. Does Seasonally Affected Depression (SAD) even exist in California? :mad: :biggrin:
Juice said:
Aaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggg!!! I hate you guys! Gloomy?!! What the hell do you know about gloom? Here, even if the sun is out, it's too damn cold to walk outside! I think even England sees more sunshine than Ohio. Does Seasonally Affected Depression (SAD) even exist in California? :mad: :biggrin:
Little comfort hint: AFAIK the suicide rates are higher in California than in any other U.S. state. We have the same here in Germany: The highest suicide rate is in the region with the most sun and highest average temperatures.

Did I mention we had another 5 centimeters of new snow here today? Now it's about 40 cm overall and the 1st track event for me in Hockenheim this year is only 9 days away. Guess I have to look for snow race tires for my NSX :wink:
I'm forced to agree with Juice. I would give anything to be in southern Cali or Florida right now. It's snowing right now as I'm typing this.... :mad:
I have been caught in the snow before. See my thread about being stuck in Canada on the way back to Indiana.....snow storm almost killed me. Seriously.
We even get snow here in Hawaii every year. Although it is only on the mountain top on the Big Island, and all you need to do is travel down 10K feet off the mountain and it will be a sunny 85 degrees, but we still get snow :biggrin:
Sunny and 76 in Tyler today. :wink:

Another advantage to living in Texas. Track season starts 2nd wknd of February. :biggrin: