"catch-22" - urgent!

1 August 2007
Phoenix Az
hi guys,
i am installing 'stacy's sideskirts' and while everything is working out fine there is one sticking point. i am trying to avoid using double-sided tape to attach it to the underside of the rear fender- i prefer more solid assembly and while bolting it together is possible closer to the rear wheel, the area directly underneath of the side-vent got me stuck.

here is the issue- i can bolt it together just fine with the side-vent removed but then, with the skirt installed it is impossible to re-install the vent! while it may be do-able on the passenger side from the rear-wheel-well, the driver side has the 'cantrell intake' in the way, effectively blocking any access to the 'flower nuts'.
so, can't install the skirt without removing the vent, can't install the vent with skirt in place.

any ideas?
I might be reading your situation wrong but if you can bolt everything on correctly on the passenger side because there's no intake in the way why not just remove your cantell intake, bolt the skirts down with your vents still on and then reinstall your cantell intake.

I've never seen stacy's side skirts in person or installed them so forgive me if I'm wrong.


hi guys,
i am installing 'stacy's sideskirts' and while everything is working out fine there is one sticking point. i am trying to avoid using double-sided tape to attach it to the underside of the rear fender- i prefer more solid assembly and while bolting it together is possible closer to the rear wheel, the area directly underneath of the side-vent got me stuck.

here is the issue- i can bolt it together just fine with the side-vent removed but then, with the skirt installed it is impossible to re-install the vent! while it may be do-able on the passenger side from the rear-wheel-well, the driver side has the 'cantrell intake' in the way, effectively blocking any access to the 'flower nuts'.
so, can't install the skirt without removing the vent, can't install the vent with skirt in place.

any ideas?
you are correct, that may be the only solution.
the only issue that i have is that installing the intake with the side-vent already in place borders on impossible. i had a bitch time puting it in as it is and am not sure if i can reach the bolts.

please consider this closed.
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drill a hole in the bottom of the skirt.
is that installing the intake with the side-vent already in place borders on impossible. i had a bitch time puting it in as it is and am not sure if i can reach the bolts.

Installing the Cantrell Intake with the side vents still on near impossible?:confused:
I didn't find it difficult at all. Granted I have pretty small hands, it was tight a few times but not to the point of impossible. IMHO
BTW, did you get it done?
Installing the Cantrell Intake with the side vents still on near impossible?:confused:
I didn't find it difficult at all. Granted I have pretty small hands, it was tight a few times but not to the point of impossible. IMHO
BTW, did you get it done?

Yeah but the small hands make your cantrell intake look HUGE!!!!:redface:
the cantrell mounting kit asks you to drill a hole?
for those who are not familiar with the 'cantrell munting kit'- all it is are 6 nice l-brackets that help with installation in the door area. the attachment of the skirt in the ;side vent' area is up to you and since i am not a fan of double-sided tape, there are limited options of how to run the screw. the aforementioned methos of drilling an access hole in the very bottom of the skirt is one way.