cat names

11 May 2002
Mishawaka, In
Ok, so she won't let me call the new kitty Juan Pablo or Montoya :)
It's a male persian, anyone have a good name suggestion?


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Re: Re: cat names

MiamieNeSeX said:
You had a portrait taken of your cat?


We are getting him from a cattery that takes the portraits as they get bigger for the first 8 weeks so you can see them grow up until you get to take them home. Only 2 more weeks to go!
You could name him Turbo :)

That's what I named one of mine, then I found out he was really a she. S we changed it to "Turbo Anne". Two years later she is now really fat, so we are thinking about either "Turbo Anna Nicole" or "Turbo Diesel"
Re: Re: Re: cat names

AaronR said:
We are getting him from a cattery that takes the portraits as they get bigger for the first 8 weeks so you can see them grow up until you get to take them home. Only 2 more weeks to go!

Getting him from a cattery? Sounds like a restauraunt that serves... oh well, you know.

Anyhow, I like the name Mario.
Re: Re: Re: Re: cat names

ChopsJazz said:
Getting him from a cattery? Sounds like a restauraunt that serves... oh well, you know.

Anyhow, I like the name Mario.

This cattery is like the science of speed but for cats....they specialize in one type of breed (in this case perisans) and they breed them mostly for the best quatlity show cats. :)

Plus they treat the kitty's like children unlike a pet store where who knows what happens to them. The end result is that you get pets from them that are well behaved, don't scratch, ride nicely in exotic soprts cars, eat out of crystal glasses... you know the good stuff. Now the prices they charge are not so fun, but everyting is a tradeoff in life so.... :)
I call one of mine "Puppy" (cuz he's about the size of a puppy) and the other is "Duders" since when I got him I kept yelling at him to stop fooling around where he shouldn't and I'd start out yelling "Dude..... would you stop that....

So my whole point here is to come up with a name based on an experience you have with him/her when you first take delivery.
Where can I get one of this furball? anyone ever seen a cat w/ a marking of a siberian tiger? I believe breeders made them that way...................i want a furrrrrball.

I usually wait for an animal to do something unique and then name them for what ever skill they have. If that fails I just name them the color of their fur. :D
PoohBEAR said:
Where can I get one of this furball? anyone ever seen a cat w/ a marking of a siberian tiger? I believe breeders made them that way...................i want a furrrrrball.

No but I've seen one that looks like a lion :)

Lud -- in honour of our Administrator. :D

Why do people put so much effort into naming a pet, when they end up calling it "Stupid", "fleabag" or "little ****" most of the time??? :D :D :D
I always liked the name Ceaser.(spelling?) I dunno why, but I just do.... :D

But I also like can't go wrong with anything that starts with Z!!! ;)

- Z
PoohBEAR said:
Where can I get one of this furball? anyone ever seen a cat w/ a marking of a siberian tiger? I believe breeders made them that way...................i want a furrrrrball.

The new breed that I want is the savannah which is a cross between a African wild Serval cat and domesticated with a siamese. They are 2x the size, and can jump 10 feet high. They can be walked like a dog, but head butt and purr like a cat while it sits on your lap! I am getting one when my current one passes.