I have a few leftover carry-on bags that were given out as mementos at NSXPO '97 in Denver. These are brand new, never used before, still folded up the way they were in the carton from the manufacturer. The size - 19" x 10" x 10" - was chosen because it fits perfectly in the NSX trunk. There are two zippered end compartments, a large middle compartment with a U-shaped zipper on top, and the side compartment with the event logo on it.
$35 each, and I'm going to give priority to anyone who wants to get it from me at NSXPO 2012 this week (or who wants to pick it up in Chicago) so there won't be any shipping charges.
$35 each, and I'm going to give priority to anyone who wants to get it from me at NSXPO 2012 this week (or who wants to pick it up in Chicago) so there won't be any shipping charges.