Carrera GT in Scuderia-country...


Gold Member, Moderator: Marketplace
12 August 2003
Austin, Republic of Texas
Italian telecoms chief caught speeding at 311 kph

ROME (AFP) - One of Italy's top executives was caught speeding on a motorway in northern Italy at 311 kilometres (193 miles) per hour while trying out his new car.

Riccardo Ruggiero, who runs Telecom Italia, the country's main telecoms operator with a turn over of 30 billion euros last year, told police he was just putting his new Porsche Carrera through its paces, the daily La Stampa said Saturday.

He was fined 357 euros (435 dollars) and lost 10 of the 20-points on his driving licence and will also face a suspension of his license for one to three months, as decided by police.;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGVna3NhBHNlYwNzc3JlbA--
357€ wtf thats ridiculous

311-130=181km/h too fast - i don't know but i guess i would never get my driving license back here in germany. must be some sort of vip bonus in italy.
Maybe it was really Dietrich driving. Then Dietrich took off & left this guy to get the ticket. That guy sure gets around.:biggrin:
I came home tonight and someone was hopping out the window in my bedroom. I thought Dietrich was banging my girlfriend, but it turned out is was only Leon Phelps, the Lady's Man. :biggrin: