Carlisle Import/Replicar Show

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
Does anyone attend this event at Carlisle, Pa ? I used to go every year when I was into replicars several years ago and, if the weather was good, it was usually a well attended event. Half of the show field is kitcars/replicars; the other half is original foreign sports cars. I might bring the NSX this year, weather permitting. It's held on May18-20 this year. The webpage is <>.
I attended back in 99,00 and while the show overall was interresting the fast and furiuosos crowd got to be too much.So much so that they split off the import show from the kit car,European event.
I use to go every year. Went last year and was very disappointed. Not a lot of cars, nothing new and it is a drive for me.

I found the 4hr drive not worth my trip.

My girlfriend said I had a cooler car show in my garage:wink:

Most of the tome they have it in mothers day I think this has a lot to do with the lack of cars attending.

I wont be going this year. But if I was local and had nothing to do I would go.
I have had 5 Saabs and I used to go every year with my highly mod'd Saab SPG. Haven't been since I sold that car... It was generally pretty fun though. There are not many NSX's up there, so I'm not sure how fun it'd be for us. Also, if it's at all wet, it can pretty tricky to maneuver about the show field (both on foot and in the car).