Carlie Brucia

16 July 2002
Bay Area CA
Have to vent over the so, so sad story of Carlie Brucia and her unfortunate chance encounter with Joseph P. Smith (incidentally the P. stands for Piece-of-Shit).
I couldn't help but fear the worst when the story first broke but was still totally gutted when inevitably she was found yesterday. Here is a happy-go-lucky kid - 11 yrs old child, damn-it! - & through unfortunate chain of events finds herself a victim of an animal who shouldn't have even been in the position to threaten her. A bleeding-heart liberal jury saw fit to acquit him from an almost identical scenario - he claimed he was holding the woman down on the ground to "save" her from running into the road!
I am so p.o.'d that something so heinous could happen to a little carefree girl- my emotions can hardly cope with what that poor kid had to endure, mentally & physically in her last hours.
Lethal injection too kind for scum like this - he deserves to suffer.

There's something about this child's picture that just rips lumps out of me - I think I see the happiness & innocence in that image, probably conveys exactly how she was feeling after a fun slumber party event with her friends; can't help but thinking she was probably still on a high, but then to be confronted by something she couldn't have imagined in her worst nightmares.

Carlie, rest in peace - may your God be with you.


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I too was pretty heated up when i read this but at least they found the body and he will be prosecuted. Im not looking to pass blame to anyone but it seems a bit young to me to let a 11 year old girl go out alone to a friends unless it was like down the block or something. Here is where being over protective would have saved this girls life but this peice of trash should not have been walking the streets anyway.
Pepper spray, scream, and run like hell! It is sad that this scum had his way with her. I have a 6 yr old girl, and it is things like this that scare the hell out of me. He probably used some story to gain her confidence. I know there is a watch on the market that has GPS now for kids, If she was an hour late, the parents could have tracked her and maybe got to her in time. The best advice is to go in pairs never alone. I hope other parents take this tragedy and change their routine with their own kids.
I'm just glad that the car wash had motion cameras on the building. This happened less than a mile from my house, and they found her body even closer. The entire community is outraged that the guy was on the streets at all, he had tried this once before and the courts let him go, what a shame. It has been a very emotional week for my wife and I. I wish that there was something that I could do besides going to the memorial this coming Tue. Once again the innocent are harmed by the bleeding heart liberal court system.


Anyone with kids feels a measure of this family's pain right now. I think it's time to change the punishment phase for these pieces of crap. Let the dad have some private time with this animal in a guarded room. There is no reason to extend this family's pain and suffering with a drawn out trial.

I don't see how parents are able to go on after something like this...God bless them.:(

What scares me the most is knowing how easily my 5 year old would fall for someone asking for help finding their lost puppy, or an offer of some matter how much we talk about this type of thing, it obviously can still happen in the blink of an eye.
There has been a few of these over the last year or so but this one gives me that punch in the gut feeling. Because the abduction was caught on tape may have something to do with strong feelings. When I first saw the car wash tape I yelled "scream, run" at the TV.
There is no room in the jails to keep theses perverts of humanity. Therefore I vote to start thinning the population of these types at a much faster rate. Stop with the appeals and all the other BS in cases where it is pretty evident who is to blame.
Here is a case where they have it on camera. Why waste money giving this guy a trail? Off him, do it publicly as a lesson to anyone else that may be thinking of doing a similar crime.
steveny said:
...Here is a case where they have it on camera. Why waste money giving this guy a trail? Off him, do it publicly as a lesson to anyone else that may be thinking of doing a similar crime.

I agree 100%. The fact that Carlie's last moments as far as we know were captured on camera makes the situation even worse. No parent should ever have to go through the torment like that of the Brucia's. Children are supposed to out live their parents, but unfortunately that is not always the case.

Now, for the scumbag Joe Smith that did this, I don't think that our tax dollars should go to defend this monster. He should be put into the general population at the jail and the other inmates should get the opportunity to get at him. Even the hardest of criminals do not like child killers.
fredderf said:
Once again the innocent are harmed by the bleeding heart liberal court system.

How true! But irrespective of the last judge electing not to take him into custody for parole violations...I wonder how the POS defense attorney who helped him concoct the story getting him off for the FIRST attempted kidnapping case feels now. (I guess it's a rhetorical typical ACLU fashion he probably feels he was just doing his 'job') Yep, we need to continually bend over backwards for the rights of the accused or we risk becoming Nazi Germany. ..isn't that the spin? In any case, I'm glad of one thing...that this moron did it in Florida. As an ex-Floridian myself, I'm glad he's got an excellent chance to be put out of his misery. If this happened up here in Washington State, we'd probably be sending him out for an anger management course. :mad:
Spencer said:
In any case, I'm glad of one thing...that this moron did it in Florida. As an ex-Floridian myself, I'm glad he's got an excellent chance to be put out of his misery. If this happened up here in Washington State, we'd probably be sending him out for an anger management course. :mad:

I only wish he'd be tried in Texas, where the death penalty works as the ultimate deterrent....
LeftLane said:
I only wish he'd be tried in Texas, where the death penalty works as the ultimate deterrent....

The method in which the sentence is carried out is too sterile and secretive. The act needs to be in the face of other criminals that may be thinking of committing the same crime.
I am sick of hearing about how the criminal is brain damaged, molested, treated poorly as a child, and this caused him to do such horrible things. Tough $hit, there is enough people in this world who get over and on with their lives after much more traumatic experiences. We do not need these type of people running around free. As far as I am concerned we don't need these people jailed either. We need them dead.
Guys I think society is getting numb to the news, this story pisses the shit out of me!!! The s.o.b doesn't deserve a trial or anything else. He needs to be castrated on live television for other sick ass child murderers to see. Now that he has been captured, the news story is over..I wish as americans,we could protest and demand for the death of this piece of shit!!!!I am very sorry that he has children and family of his own, but it's not like what he did was an accident....thanks for letting me vent..I am just another parent with 3 small children, one being a 8 yr old girl..God help watch over our children when we can't be there every second!!!:mad:
OK - I'm sure everybody is PISSED off. But, this is America, and EVERYBODY(including this scumbag) has to be proven guilty in a court of law.

Even if you don't agree in this situation. Be glad we don't live in china, or Turkey etc etc.
NSXLuvr said:
OK - I'm sure everybody is PISSED off. But, this is America, and EVERYBODY(including this scumbag) has to be proven guilty in a court of law.

Even if you don't agree in this situation. Be glad we don't live in china, or Turkey etc etc.

Although, at times I wish we had a justice system like Singapore....swift and deliberate. They have a much lower crime rate across the board, because people know that if they are caught, they will be dealt with severely in accordance with their crime. Why would this scumbag stop being a criminal - he's had no consequences for his first 13 offenses.

This makes me sick to my stomach. I asked my 5 year old tonight what she would do if someone she didn't know asked her to help find his lost puppy. I swallowed hard when she said she would go with him to help find it without thinking twice about it. Scary indeed.:(
LeftLane (and anyone else with children):

I highly recommend that you read "Protecting the Gift: Keeping Children and Teenagers Safe (and parents sane)" by Gavin de Becker.
Sick. Really sick.

He's not going to last long in prison. Even other murderers in there don't tolerate that kind of behavior with children. He will be dealt with soon enough.