
10 August 2006
Ft. Lauderdale FL, Philly PA & Portugal
My account got closed today, and their going to try to charge me $19 per check! Because of re-distributing Reports! Thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. Here is a copy of the email I recived.

carfax said:
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 9/1/06 1:11 AM
Subject: Account Closed

Thank you for using the CARFAX Vehicle History Service.

When you purchased your unlimited account you agreed to the following terms and conditions:

"I agree to pay a one-time charge of $24.99 (USD), plus applicable sales tax, according to my card issuer agreement.
This 30 day Unlimited CARFAX Reports Plan is valid for 30 days from the date the first report is run, and is intended for my personal use only.
Commercial use, resale and redistribution of CARFAX Reports is strictly prohibited and may lead to deactivation of my account and the imposition of additional charges for CARFAX Reports.
I agree that my CARFAX Report purchase shall be governed by all the Terms and Conditions of use of the CARFAX Web Site."

Since you are distributing or selling reports you are in violation of this agreement.
Your account has only been turned off.
We reserve the right to charge 19.99 per report for these and/or additional violations - particularly if your postings/advertisements are not removed ASAP.

We look forward to serving you in the future for your PERSONAL car shopping needs with the purchase of single reports only.

CARFAX Consumer Affairs

For more information, please review the complete terms and conditions of www.carfax.com accounts at http://www.carfax.com/cfm/legal_disclaimer.cfm.
Below is CARFAX's response to your recent inquiry.

After I replied asking them why this happend.............

carfax said:
RE: Account Closed

Discussion Thread
Response (Lawrence) 09/01/2006 08:02 AM
The following links show clearly that you have been redistributing reports against the terms and conditions ""I agree to pay a one-time charge of $24.99 (USD), plus applicable sales tax, according to my card issuer agreement.
This 30 day Unlimited CARFAX Reports Plan is valid for 30 days from the date the first report is run, and is intended for my personal use only.
Commercial use, resale and redistribution of CARFAX Reports is strictly prohibited and may lead to deactivation of my account and the imposition of additional charges for CARFAX Reports."



They should make it clearer what they mean by re-distributing posts on forums instead of puting it in the fine print that no one reads.
I guess they pay people to sit there and research/google the word car fax and check every possible incident.
At least there are other Vin number check companies.

Here is an alternative
Im sure there are others.

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Re: ********carfax*****sucks*********

Wow, I didn't know they were on the forums looking for people who checked carfax's
Re: ********carfax*****sucks*********

You got got by the CARFAX cops... Oops.

Fellows this is REALLY old news- a search will yeild a result indicating that this has been covered on several occasions.

Asking people to violate the user agreement in a public forum, and then posting that you would be willing to do so is not the brightest idea in the world.

Somebody posts a vin asking for a report, and a carfax user generates the report and posts it to a forum.- oops

Carfax is a business, and yes, they do patrol the internet looking for theft of services. It doesn't require the skills of Columbo, just Google CARFAX- look for requests, and posts, then match up the time stamps, and the VIN and you have your user who broke the agreement.

Carfax sells a product that generates information for the use of the client.

Giving that information away over the internet is a violation of your user agreement.

They stipulate this in their user agreement- if you don't read contracts you agree to- then shame on you, not shame on them.

lesson learned for you, hope it isn't too expensive!
I came to my sences in a attempt to not get charged extra fees,

Here my lateset responce I sent about 5min ago.

patricio said:
I apologize for the redistribution of your reports. It was my first time using carfax and I did not understand what redistribution of reports was. Obviously, now I know. I was on the forums and saw it being done by others and thought it was common courtesy between members to run carfax for other members. Basically I played monkey see, monkey do. I did not realize that each time me doing so, was costing you as a company lost fee, by another customer, and therefore the two times I did it cost you guys as accompany $25 each therefore total of $50 loss, I guess if there is a department in your company just to find these sort of infraction of your policies than it must happen often, and therefore I realized that even if 1/10 people paying $25/unlimited ran 2-5 car faxes for other people on other forums out there, than $50 multiplies into Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars lost by your company. This is obviously must be a huge concern for your company. Especially since you also have to pay people to catch infringements as well, this also adds to the lost capital.

So I sincerely apologize for being part of this problem, as I can clearly see it being costly as a company.

Warmest reguards,

Tiago D. Patricio
zahntech said:
Very well done!!.......Now on the those Greedy basterds at Disneyland that only let one person in with every ticket:wink:
yeah, what's up with that, anyway - they must be goofy.

the quickest way for companies like carfax to stop forum-based abuse is to prosecute the offending forums.
This is nothing new....I don't understand why people get suprised every 3 months when this happens.
Patricio said:
Default Re: ********carfax**********
I came to my sences in a attempt to not get charged extra fees,

Here my lateset responce I sent about 5min ago.

Originally Posted by patricio
I apologize for the redistribution of your reports. It was my first time using carfax and I did not understand what redistribution of reports was. Obviously, now I know. I was on the forums and saw it being done by others and thought it was common courtesy between members to run carfax for other members. Basically I played monkey see, monkey do. I did not realize that each time me doing so, was costing you as a company lost fee, by another customer, and therefore the two times I did it cost you guys as accompany $25 each therefore total of $50 loss, I guess if there is a department in your company just to find these sort of infraction of your policies than it must happen often, and therefore I realized that even if 1/10 people paying $25/unlimited ran 2-5 car faxes for other people on other forums out there, than $50 multiplies into Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars lost by your company. This is obviously must be a huge concern for your company. Especially since you also have to pay people to catch infringements as well, this also adds to the lost capital.

So I sincerely apologize for being part of this problem, as I can clearly see it being costly as a company.

Warmest reguards,

Tiago D. Patricio

Check out the quick reponse! From carfax company!
Proves that you can catch more bees with honey!:biggrin:


Below is CARFAX's response to your recent inquiry.
RE: Account Closed

Discussion Thread
Response (Lawrence) 09/01/2006 12:25 PM
Thank you for the kind follow-up. In case you still need to run some reports for personal use I have activated your account until 9/11 so you get the full 30 days.

Thank you.

Cool! Now PM me that carfax report!!!

Patricio said:
Check out the quick reponse! From carfax company!
Proves that you can catch more bees with honey!:biggrin:


Below is CARFAX's response to your recent inquiry.
RE: Account Closed

Discussion Thread
Response (Lawrence) 09/01/2006 12:25 PM
Thank you for the kind follow-up. In case you still need to run some reports for personal use I have activated your account until 9/11 so you get the full 30 days.

Thank you.

Amazing what a little honey can do. Good job and innocent enough mistake.