Carfax Request JH4NA126XNT000263

Re: Carfax Request Please

Read the thread when it was posted.
I guess if/when someone did run this, they would pm it, instead of posting it.
Tis mucho safer.
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ody said:
Read the thread when it was posted.
I guess if/when someone did run this, they would pm it, instead of posting it.
Tis mucho safer.

Carfax can still tell who runs the report on that VIN.
Re: Carfax Request VIN DELETED

You can't post the VIN that you want someone to run or they will track it. You have to post a request for a carfax and PM someone the VIN. If they get the Vin from the web, then then know someone ran it as a 'favor' and will cancel the account and/or charge the person who ran it. If you never post the VIN, they have no way of telling WHY the person ran it.
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Re: Carfax Request Please

I hear ya.
I've edited my original, but everybody that posted a follow-up would have to edit their messages to remove vin and modify the subnect.
(assuming carfax has not already logged the request)
Re: Carfax Request Please

ody said:
I hear ya.
I've edited my original, but everybody that posted a follow-up would have to edit their messages to remove vin and modify the subnect.
(assuming carfax has not already logged the request)

I tried but you can't edit out the subject line. I completely deleted my post to try and help. Unless, like you stated, they are already tracking it.