Carfax please- JH4NA1152MT000958

Carfax looks fine. Here is the mileage and prior owner history.

Mileage Consistency Check:

CARFAX found no inconsistent odometer readings in the mileage history of this 1991 ACURA NSX (JH4NA1152MT000958).

Date: Mileage:
04/28/1992 3,613
04/09/1993 4,376
02/01/1994 6,349
01/29/1997 10,333
05/16/1997 10,970
09/11/2004 53,120

Do you know this vehicle's current mileage? Tell us and help protect others from mileage fraud.

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GOOD NEWS! No manufacturer buyback was ever reported by a DMV for this 1991 ACURA NSX (JH4NA1152MT000958). If you find that a manufacturer buyback was reported by a DMV and not included in this report, CARFAX will buy this vehicle back. You must register to activate this free guarantee!

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Ownership History:

CARFAX estimates that this 1991 ACURA NSX (JH4NA1152MT000958) had 4 owner(s). CARFAX analyzed this vehicle's title history and other supporting events to identify potential ownership transfers. In compliance with the U.S. privacy laws, CARFAX does not collect or report owner names or addresses.

Estimated Owners: Date: Location:
1st owner No data No data
2nd owner 05/16/1997 Massachusetts
3rd owner 09/26/2003 Missouri
4th owner 10/13/2004 Tennessee

Types of Owners:

This 1991 ACURA NSX (JH4NA1152MT000958) was checked for 8 types of registrations.

No Personal Use Registration Reported No Fleet Registration Reported
No Lease Registration Reported No Commercial Registration Reported
No Rental Registration Reported No Non-Profit Registration Reported
No Taxi Registration Reported No Built to Non U.S. Standards Record Reported

Do you have information about how this vehicle was used or driven? Tell us what you know.

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ACURA does not report recall information for specific vehicles to CARFAX.
Go to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for a list of all the safety recalls issued for the 1991 ACURA NSX. You can also contact an authorized dealership or ACURA at 1-800-999-1009 to find out if this 1991 ACURA NSX (JH4NA1152MT000958) still has recalls that require repair.

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CARFAX cannot calculate the remaining coverage for this 1991 ACURA NSX (JH4NA1152MT000958) because no original manufacturer warranty information was reported to CARFAX by its source.

Estimated start date of warranty: 04/18/1997
Last reading reported on 09/11/2004: 53,120 miles
Today's Date: June 6, 2005

Type of Coverage: Original Warranty:
Basic No data reported to CARFAX
Drivetrain No data reported to CARFAX
Emissions No data reported to CARFAX
Corrosion No data reported to CARFAX
Transferable No data reported to CARFAX
Roadside Assistance No data reported to CARFAX
Safety Belt & Inflatable Restraint No data reported to CARFAX
Specific Components No data reported to CARFAX

CARFAX Warranty Check provides an estimate of this vehicle's remaining warranty coverage. It does not take into account some vehicle history events. For example, major accidents resulting in Salvage or Junk titles that may void the original manufacturer warranty or ownership transfers that may decrease warranty coverage. This warranty information is only valid for vehicles manufactured for sale in the US. Complete warranty coverage information is available for this vehicle at the ACURA web site.

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CARFAX searched more than 3 billion records from over 5,300 sources and found 11 record(s) for this 1991 ACURA NSX (JH4NA1152MT000958).

Mileage Reading:
General Comments:

04/28/1992 3,613 Georgia
Inspection Station
Atlanta, GA
Passed emissions inspection

04/09/1993 4,376 Georgia
Inspection Station
Atlanta, GA
Passed emissions inspection

02/01/1994 6,349 Georgia
Inspection Station
Atlanta, GA
Passed emissions inspection

01/29/1997 10,333 Georgia
Inspection Station
Atlanta, GA
Passed emissions inspection

04/12/1997 Service Plan Co.
Sharon, MA
Service Contract Issued

04/29/1997 Inspection Co.
Vehicle Inspected
Anti-theft device present
at the time of inspection

05/16/1997 10,970 Massachusetts
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Sharon, MA
Title #AQ183151
Title or registration issued
New owner reported
Loan or lien reported

09/26/2003 Missouri
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Cape Girardeau, MO
Title #QB125629
Title issued or updated
New owner reported
Exempt from odometer reporting

09/29/2003 Missouri
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Cape Girardeau, MO
Title #QB125629
Title or registration issued
Exempt from odometer reporting

09/11/2004 53,120 Service Facility
Vehicle serviced

10/13/2004 Tennessee
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Cordova, TN
Title #70489486
Title or registration issued
New owner reported