Caravan to Bridgewater Acura Day 2 on 8/7

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
It's time to set the caravan, let's meet at the same place we did back in April, plan on a 9am on Westchester Avenue by Corporate Park White Plains, on the Westbound side. We should leave by 9:15, and we can always meet up with others as we head down the Jersey side. Please let me know if you plan on joining!!!!

Just let me know the route so I can met you guys on the road. Will you come over and down 287?

Larry Bastanza said:

Just let me know the route so I can met you guys on the road. Will you come over and down 287?


Absolutely, same as last time, you'll join us "on the fly"!!! :wink:
RPM217 said:
It's time to set the caravan, let's meet at the same place we did back in April, plan on a 9am on Westchester Avenue by Corporate Park White Plains, on the Westbound side. We should leave by 9:15, and we can always meet up with others as we head down the Jersey side. Please let me know if you plan on joining!!!!

Bump, please post and let me know if you're joining us!!! :cool:
RSO 34 said:
It looks like I have to cancel. :frown: Catch everyone at the next one.

Hope that everything is OK, I'll make sure that my rent-a-son eats a "Dogzilla" for you!!!! :eek: