car wont start!!!

4 May 2005
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
accidently set the alarm off thismorning. shortly after i was gona get the oil changed. Start the car and something wasnt right, tach and speedometer did nothing but the car was on and moving, I hit the gas & it bogs to stall. I try to start the car and i get nothing. for a bit only the raido would turn on, now not even the radio will come on and the windows seem to be stuck down. tryed jumper cables and nothing. very angry and have no clue what is wrong or what to do?????!!!!!
johninfl said:
accidently set the alarm off thismorning. shortly after i was gona get the oil changed. Start the car and something wasnt right, tach and speedometer did nothing but the car was on and moving, I hit the gas & it bogs to stall. I try to start the car and i get nothing. for a bit only the raido would turn on, now not even the radio will come on and the windows seem to be stuck down. tryed jumper cables and nothing. very angry and have no clue what is wrong or what to do?????!!!!!

Sounds like your ignition switch is going bad. If you jiggle the key, do things go on and off? If so, search for ignition switch and you'll find a bunch of info.
rbirling has it correct: sounds like your ignition switch.

You can clean the switch and re-grease it. I have some handy pics...just search the forums.

I would carefully check the ground and + terminal on the battery. Try to rotate them, if they move start there:).

The symptoms you desribe, "wierd electrical things" indicate low voltage throughout the car. The bogging could be insufficient spark voltage.

Having the alarm go of for a few munites could certainly make bad connections worse, i.e. they can heat up. I have seen so many loose ground terminals on these cars, I would say 50% need attention.


My son just had the same problems with his 97 civic si and it was a loose positive cable. So make sure they are all the way down and clean and tight.
The battery terminals are always a good place to start and work your way from there. Also early model NSX's have been known to have ignition switch problems as well. So that might be a good second step. Good luck on this.