Car won't start (details)

17 September 2000
San Diego, CA
So, here's another "car won't" start post, looking for advice...

Some things to note first:

* Main Relay has been replaced within the past 18 months
* Starter has been replaced within the past 2 years (or so)
* Battery was replaced last summer
* Car sat for the past 3 months without driving, battery appeared dead several weeks ago

- Earlier this week I jump started the NSX as it had been sitting for quite some time, I drove it for about 45 minutes, stopped to get something to eat for about an hour, upon return to the car it started up without problems and I drove it home.
- The next morning I took the NSX to work, starting the car cold 3-4 times throughout the day without difficulty, car behaved fine.
- The car sat in the garage for one day without driving it and then this morning it will not start (of course today I was taking it in to get an oil change and some other minor items done)


1) Turn ignition, and the electrical clicks on and off, sometimes rapidly sometimes very regularly, every 1/2 second or so, but engine never turns
2) Clock has not lost time (or reset from going dead) and other electrical seems operational
3) Car behaves the same way when attempting another jump start as item 1

I'm not really sure where to go from here, I have to suspect the battery but I can't figure out why it would take a jump start after sitting for months, but not after 24 hours. I drove it Sunday and Monday, took Tuesday off and now Wednesday AM it just won't start.


Thanks in advance,
Test your battery as it might have problems (i.e., warranty issue).
Sounds like the battery. Even though it behaved normal for a few days, it probably just couldn't hold the new charge enough to start.
Like the others suggested I would get the battery load tested and go from there. You can just take the battery out and bring it somewhere and then get it replaced if that is the problem and see if it starts after that.
You can also do a quick check if you have a voltmeter and a buddy to turn the key. Depending on temp, voltage should be around 12.6V with the key out. While cranking, voltage should stay above 10V. If the car fails either or both of these conditions then go ahead and do the work to remove the battery and take it in--should be under warranty. Also unhook one terminal and run a ammeter in series to see if maybe there's an anomalous current drain causing the premature failure.
i had the same issue, battery tested fine it was a bad connection with the cables, clean the terimnals and cables and try it than
Nsxdemon81 said:
i had the same issue, battery tested fine it was a bad connection with the cables, clean the terimnals and cables and try it than

For whatever reason, messing with the battery terminals freaks me out :D

What is the best (safest) way to disconnect and clean the terminals?
ALWAYS disconnect the negative terminal first, then the positive. If you remove the battery you can clean the postls with a battery post cleaner(auto parts store item) or you can mix up a little baking soda and water to dissolve any crud on the battery terminals and more importantly the connectors. I mix some baking soda with water is a 16oz. plastic cup, them dunk the connectors into the cup for a few minutes each. It will fizz up a bit and the terminals will come out nice and clean. This works amazingly well.

Next thing to check, after they are clean, is do they actually tighten securely on the battery posts. The negative connector is notorious for stretching, since if done correctly, this is the one removed most often for any service work. Tighten it down and make sure you cannot rotate it at all. If it does rotate when fully tightened, you should replace it. P/N is 32600-SL0-003 and the list price is about $25. Well worth it. If you cannot get one readily, you can shim the connector with a piece of 18 ga. wire in the meantime.

When replacing the battery remember to reconnect/tighten the positive terminal first, then the negative terminal last.

DO NOT throw the cup of liquid(water-baking soda-battery crud) down the drain, or septic, seal it up in a container and dispose of it properly. What is left in the cup is pretty nasty;).
