Car Wash Systems: recommendations

I'm like you about hand washing my NSX but I have used the Mr. Clean system on my black MDX and was actually impressed! Don't expect it to be perfect but it does do a good job saves time. I remember watching the water just dry off the paint relatively streak free. I think I went back and touched a few spots with my chamois, but it was really nice not having to dry the entire vehicle.
Thanks, I'll give it a try... anything to make life a little easier when washing the bigger cars.

There is a carwash in the autopark in Briggs Cheney area. $2 for 4 minutes self wash, you can buy terry towels from Costco inexpensive. I use them in 4 minutes to spray down my other cars and clean the wheels in 4 minutes time, then drive it home free air dry then wipe it down with soft towel. BTW handwashing is good exercise.:biggrin:
I picked up Mr. Clean autodry yesterday and will try it out soon.

Let us know what you think....mine saved the effort I typically put into drying off the vehicle.