Car Show Next Saturday

28 April 2010
Hi guys, the Boy Scouts are having a car show at Floyd Lamb next Saturday as part of their Scouting-Expo. I've been working with Scouts for a long time so I'm going to take my car out for the morning and Toms going to try to make it with one of his cars as well. We've went to a couple charity carshows together and the NSX's are always popular.

Anyway its free and helping the Scouts is a good cause so it'd be neat if we had a few NSX's represented. :biggrin:

vr Butch
I will go to the car show. After the show if you have the time, stop by our house. We are having our annual Spring Festival potluck, with a Maypole and book exchange. There is also a free area where you bring things you don't need and take home treasures you can't live without. Anything left over will go to an appropriate charity. Hope to see you!


Laurel and I will stop by your place after the car show. Sorry I didn't respond to the VM, we've been very busy with house remodeling projects, work, car projects gone wrong, etc. I spoke with Butch earlier, and said I would bring the ITR to the car show, we’ll see you there.

Tom, I will have a place for club members to park. It will be the right side driveway behind my cars. You may need to move something to get into the area. Every day cars will park in the open lot to the left.

I will only make it to the show if I get the party work done.

Tom, I'd like to stop by after the show, I confess I don't even know what a "Maypole" is. Can you give me some directions or address. You can send to my Email if you don't want to post it. ([email protected])



This is an annual event Lance and his wife Lorell (not to be confused with my Laurel :biggrin:) host at their home. The word "Maypole" is archaic, even to people our age. Here's a Wiki: I’ll see you at the car show. :smile: