Car pics from Sydney, Australia trip

27 October 2004
I snapped most of these pics last Saturday in Sydney. I am kinda spoiled by PAG, so most of the Ferrari, Lambos, Porsche, Austin Martin (surprisingly common there) wasn't worth my memory stick space. Considering Australian pay nearly 180% of what we pay for cars here.

Whenever I travel, cars are usually last thing on my mind. This time no different but they do have cars that we don't have here, I happen to really like GTR. I did spotted a black NSX in Chatswood intersection near the Lexus dealer. That car had a lot of presence.


SL65. Perfect example of Australian for parking a $350~$400k car in Sydney fish market (Import Cars cost nearly double in Australia). Ultimate display of "because I can, no big deal"



The best bang for the buck, while they pay a lot for cars. Certain cars such as the R34 GTR only cost half price of what we pay here and you can drive it legally. I still like R34 GTR the best over 996TT or 997TT. Drive it off legally for only $50~$60k. It took a lot of self control for not buying this car since I already have a garage to store it in Sydney. I couldn't get it off my mind. I will have one sooner or later. I will keep my word.


Sweet RX-7



R32 GTR,



Not a GTR, looks like GTT

Not a GTR, looks like 2.5GT

Another GTT


Nice to see an Aussie thread... been kinda dry around here.

Didnt know you were coming to Australia -- did you let anyone know? Hope you enjoyed your stay. Any non-car-highlights?
Great pics. If you don't mind me asking - What link of work are you in? I love to travel from Socal to Japan to Australia as part of my job.
Great pics. If you don't mind me asking - What link of work are you in? I love to travel from Socal to Japan to Australia as part of my job.
I do same as what many do. I have been in importing business since 1998. I started out with 1 flight ticket, 1 map, a few addresses, 1 rail pass, freak out a few times, zero contact. That is how I got started. There are unlimited business opportinities oversea in any country, how bad someone is willing to do the hardwork and go through the trouble is the question. I bet 80% of people on Prime have far bigger income than me simply because I am just a loser with a enough is good enough mentality, nothing special.

Didnt know you were coming to Australia -- did you let anyone know? Hope you enjoyed your stay. Any non-car-highlights?
I have some pics, mostly just personal pics with family and friends, I don't think a car forum is proper place for pics like this. I will just post a few here.

Quite frankly 9 days felt like 1 day. I was really....exhausted from month of May, trip to Japan a few week prior then all the stress from final exam, I really felt fatigued and drained, so I really just wanted to relax during this trip, I am also not the sight seeing type, but I am always amazed every time I visit Australia. I love Australia, my favorite country next to Japan. Definitely far more beautiful than Japan or anywhere I have been in USA (lived in Bay Area for 6 years, been to most of east coast as well).

No, I did not let anyone know, I really didn't have a lot of time + I didn't have my nsx with me. It would had been really fun driving(more like cruising) NSX in Sydney.

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The ultimate performance car for me, I want it so bad, I can really smell it. I have not wanted a car so bad since NSX. I went back to the dealership to see the car several times. I had Supra before, while the car had lots of power, the traction was terrible, can't really use it. R34 will have no problem handing 500rwhp and run a 10.6sec at that power level. This car is the ultimate all arounder. It got plenty of history and wins at race track to back it up.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

3 years old Nick, uncle Jason miss him a lot alraedy:
<a href="">Nick</a><br><embed src="" flashvars="m=2034445601&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="430" height="346"></embed><br><a href="">Add to My Profile</a> | <a href=""> More Videos</a>





Uncle Jason with Nick playing Forza
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Jason - Great pics and you have cute nephew. Please do post more pics of your global travel. These pics give me hope when i stuck in redneck east Tx:biggrin:
I am also not the sight seeing type, but I am always amazed every time I visit Australia. I love Australia, my favorite country next to Japan. Definitely far more beautiful than Japan or anywhere I have been in USA (lived in Bay Area for 6 years, been to most of east coast as well).

*BEAMING SMILE* :D Its always so nice to hear people speak highly of Oz -- I love Australia too. :)
Nice photos... thank you for sharing.
Jason- I didnt know u knew Henry and Silvia and Thilu. Damn Sorry mate.
You should of let me know you came down to sydney.

That Maybach was my next door neighbour they were test driving it. Didnt like it and couldnt really fit in the garage.
Jason- I didnt know u knew Henry and Silvia and Thilu. Damn Sorry mate.
You should of let me know you came down to sydney.

Small world I guess:biggrin:

It is ok, there are plenty of opportunities in the future. If you visit California let me know as well.
Jason, did you go to Hurricane ? what do you think about their Ribs ? Yummy isnt it :biggrin:
Jason, did you go to Hurricane ? what do you think about their Ribs ? Yummy isnt it :biggrin:
I love it, I had a full rack and I finished it the whole thing:biggrin:. Miss the food a lot, so convenient over there. Good eats everywhere. "Eat to live", "Live to eat", food is the source of life.