Car & Driver NSX Comments

How could anyone mistake a NSX as a Z28?

Z28-Round, bubble-butt rear. Pointed pencil nose, and the most ugly feature is how the side skirts pop out over the wheels. Keeps making me think of a car with love-handles. I guess the designer was trying to match the sides with the rear.


[This message has been edited by skim83 (edited 29 October 2001).]
Originally posted by skim83:
How could anyone mistake a NSX as a Z28?

Actually, you'd be surprised how easily some people can make this mistake, especially from certain angles. Look how many people have no clue what the NSX is! Heck, my partner's old Countach used to draw Corvette questions from some people!! Amazing how clueless the general population is! The Z28 was one of only a couple of cars to copy the black canopy look of the NSX - the Eclipse was another.

The NSX Model List Page
I see what you're saying but I thought of it this way. So many Camaro's on the road that even the most clueless person must know what a Camaro is. Then that same clueless person sees a NSX. How could they mistake it for Camaro? Even if that person didn't know the car was a NSX they possibly couldn't think it was a Camaro. I would figure the said person would say, "NICE car, what is it?" instead of, "NiCE car, is it a Camaro?" AHHH!!!! hehe.
I think the post by "fueledbymetal" in that other thread is right on. The person who originally posted the other thread didn't even seem like they listened to the program.

The alleged confusion stems from the Camaro adopting the black roof and having a similar low-profile rear spoiler. Not, as the originator of the other thread states, because they used the same exterior color (i.e. "bright red and yellow" - though of course there was no yellow for the NSX in the US until '97)

Nobody is going to mistake them side-by-side from a few feet away. But considering how many people ask (or state with certainty) that the NSX is a Corvette, Ferrari, etc. even when they are right in front of a parked one, and people's natural tendancy to pattern match to something they are familiar with, I think it's fair to say that from a quick glance at a fair distance quite a few people would confuse them.



Note that this Camaro isn't even the one they are referring to in the C&D video. The one they refer to has the recessed headlights so from the side it looks even more like the NSX than this one with the more visible headlights.
Originally posted by Lud:
I think the post by "fueledbymetal" in that other thread is right on. The person who originally posted the other thread didn't even seem like they listened to the program.



Nice try Lud but you can't fool us. Anyone can see those are both Corvettes!

The NSX Model List Page
This spring my father made a trip out from Florida. Of course I was anxious to show him the new ride. Upon opening the garage door he says "hey this guy that works for me has a camaro too". I WAS FLOORED. So I spent the next hour explaining to him what the NSX was. He never even knew that the NSX existed. In my opinion the camaro would have to be lowered about a foot, the handling tightened up about 1000%, the reliability enhanced 3000%, air ducts placed in the side, need I go on. Then you would still have only a C-5, and that still would not fill the shoes that NSX wears.

[This message has been edited by steveny (edited 29 October 2001).]