Car back on the road with new ACT clutch.

2 July 2002
Oslo, Norway
As a follow up to this story:

I ended up buying an ACT clutch from Dali.
Here is my initial report on the ACT clutch.

I've had the car for about a week and put 400 miles on it since the ACT went in.

At first it was a little "jerky" or rough, but only after a few starts and stops it gradually got better. Now it is very smoth and quite like stock. I guess I'm close to have broken it in, and so far quite happy with it. The pedal pressure was supposed to be slightly harder than stock, but it sure feels just the same as stock. I can't tell any difference.

Engagement is a little lower now, but still above the midway point. My stock clutch engaged a bit closer to the top. The engagement zone may be a little narrower, but nothing annoying or hard to handle. Still very streetable.

I haven't done any really hard launches yet, I'll do that after some more break in. (to be on the safe side)

Well that's it. Happy to get my car back on the road after 2 months without it! :-))
I have an ACT in my car and love it also. It is just like you describe. I have had mine for about 5k miles now and it is going strong with all the FI that I have.

I did a search, and it looks like the ACT NSX application IS the Heavy Duty p.p. the Xtreme that I had clamps the flywheel much harder. It is too bad that they don't offer the Xtreme for the NSX. The only thing that I can think of is that with the strange multi disc config. in the NSX that the H.D. plate is strong enough :confused:
I too recently purchased the ACT clutch and have to say that I am in complete agreement with your analysis. At first, by which I mean still in the garage, I was VERY worried about the pedal pressure and then the sharp grabs as it engaged. After about 800 miles (and a few stalls at first) I love it. It feels stronger as it grabs but is just as easy as stock to drive.

I can't say enough good things about it!

Unlike other ACT applications, the NSX clutch uses a factory clutch to begin with. In addition to the pressure plate diaphragm spring's pivot point being modified for increased clamp load, the friction material used contributes to a torque capacity increase of 424 lbs/ft. I definitely think the ACT is one of the best clutches to use for most customers. It can handle the increased power from a forced induction car while maintaining good drivability. The clutch's engagement is also much easier to judge decreasing slip.

-- Chris