Can't get the NSX off my mind


Contributing Member
31 January 2011
Anchorage, AK
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This was a mistake. All weekend, I could not stop thinking about this car. I looked up prices and started researching. An NSX is just within my grasp. Not to mention that having one up here in Alaska still requires me to have a second car. I can't stop thinking about how to get my hands on one. The only way I can do it financially would be to sell my TL. With under 11k miles, it's only worth 20k. I'm really kind of thinking I should have bought the NSX four years ago instead of my TL. I'm so sad (or spoiled)!

I feel so stupid but right now. I'd rather drive a beater in the winter and park outside (garage the NSX) in order to have an NSX. I have so much going on. My wife is 6 months pregnant and doesn't mind buying the NSX, but with a baby on the way, it's dumb to start toying with our long term financial plans.

My wife and I are planners. We both feel that if you buy a new (or newish), you should drive it until it dies. The TL was going to be just that. But then I started looking at that NSX. I've always craved the sports car, but wanted to do it right (Italian, 60 - 100k). But then I wouldn't see my dream until I was 60! I've always loved the NSX, but now I can't stop thinking about it. I need the help from both TL and NSX owners.

Am I crazy? Someone please tell me that I'm wasting money. Someone tell me that it's totally worth it. I need to stop thinking about this car by either seeing that I'm not quite ready, or by getting one.
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Well I think the opinions you are going to get on this board are going to be a bit biased. I love my NSX, like no other.

One thing that I would look into since you live in Alaska is, do you have a reputable NSX mechanic in your area. I know when I bought my car I wanted to be able to go to someone who was reputable and knew what they were doing. I would hate to think I was getting hosed by the stealership everytime I went to them with the NSX...even worse if they didn't fix the problem but still charged you a's happened.

Repairs/Maintenance is more expensive than other Honda's but that said it runs like a Honda:wink:

Do some research, but I wouldn't give up on your dream just yet.
I dont plan things nor do i sit down and think it over...I JUST DO IT!!!
on the other hand, i am also single and have no responsibilities or the need to ask anyone for permisson ...A car, no matter what car it may be is still a car. YOU, my friend, unlike myself have responsibilities (your wife, and your soon to be child) so think with the right head....NSX's will always be there and i am sure you can get one when the time is right...for you this neither the right time or the right situation.
I'm going to go against the grain here. Don't do it, it doesn't make sense for you to do it now. Esp with the baby that is on the way, just enjoy your life and do not be tempted by the forbidden fruit.
For clarification, my wife does have her own car. However, it is an '05 with 65k miles. I will most likely need to replace that first. She doesn't want the TL since it isn't AWD and I don't blame her.
I'm not married and I don't have children, but if I were in your situation, I think I would be thinking about my wife, child and their future. The car can wait.
It's just a car. A fabulous car, but still just a car. With a baby on the way, plus maybe more in the future, you will likely have little time to drive it. Not to mention taking care of a house.

It just does not make financial sense to shell out so much money for a toy that, in all probability, you will not get to enjoy much in the coming years.

On the other hand, if you are well off enough that 40k or so is pocket change, then what are you waiting for? Go buy one.
Mug;1394156 said:
I feel so stupid but right now. I'd rather drive a beater in the winter and park outside (garage the NSX) in order to have an NSX. I have so much going on. My wife is 6 months pregnant and doesn't mind buying the NSX, but with a baby on the way, it's dumb to start toying with our long term financial plans.

My wife and I are planners. We both feel that if you buy a new (or newish), you should drive it until it dies. The TL was going to be just that. But then I started looking at that NSX. I've always craved the sports car, but wanted to do it right (Italian, 60 - 100k). But then I wouldn't see my dream until I was 60! I've always loved the NSX, but now I can't stop thinking about it. I need the help from both TL and NSX owners.

Am I crazy? Someone please tell me that I'm wasting money. Someone tell me that it's totally worth it. I need to stop thinking about this car by either seeing that I'm not quite ready, or by getting one.

FWIW, sounds ilke you simply have car fever, given your current situation getting a NSX does not make that much sense, after all it is just a car and you have much more important things in life ahead of you.
Wow, good stuff guys. Thanks for all the feedback.

If I did move forward with it, it would probably take about a year to find the right one anyway. I'm not rushing into anything. I just wish I could get it out of my head!

I don't need to drive it to enjoy it. In other words, I love my TL, and I rarely drive it. I think you can count the miles my wife has driven it on one hand!

I love to work on my own stuff. I plan (planned) to do my own TB/WP service myself on the TL, so the maintenance side of the NSX to me I see as fun (I was hoping I could do it all myself).

There are three that I know of in Anchorage. An unmodified white one, yellow and a red one. They drive me nuts every time I see them. The red one has a lot of CF, and the yellow one has the wings west kit and a nice set of rims. I think the yellow one lives near me. Anyone know who these guys are or if they are on here?
It's just a car. A fabulous car, but still just a car. With a baby on the way, plus maybe more in the future, you will likely have little time to drive it. Not to mention taking care of a house.

It just does not make financial sense to shell out so much money for a toy that, in all probability, you will not get to enjoy much in the coming years.

On the other hand, if you are well off enough that 40k or so is pocket change, then what are you waiting for? Go buy one.

I hope no one gets mad at me for giving you this advice. GET IT!!!!!

I had a very similar story to yours actually. Like you I wanted an NSX my whole life. I always put it off because I like having a lot of cash on hand. My wife was 5.5 months pregnant when she caught me looking at "nsx porn" on my computer at 3am. She told me to buy it ASAP. I told her that was nuts, we have a baby on the way, the economy is horrible, etc etc. But she gave me some of the best advice I have ever gotten:

"if you don't get it now, you may never get it". And these cars are not getting any younger. The number of quality cars remaining is slowly diminishing. So many are being shipped overseas due to weak dollar. So many are getting damaged and totaled. Miles are piling on because this car is for driving not just a garage ornament like other exotics.

She was right, its part of our budget before the baby arrived. Done. And let me tell you about the "you won't have time to drive it"... no offense but that is total BS. In fact, what really happens is your amazing wife tells you that she got the baby, go for a drive and unwind a bit. I take the car out, burn a little gas and a little rubber, and come home fully recharged. I don't feel like I having a baby changed has to change EVERYTHING! And my wife supports my love for this car. Many times we will just take two cars places. Albeit that I give her a head start and then beat her there :) We have one truck and one NSX. The 4x4 truck cuts through the chicago winters and the NSX is used the other 9.5 months.

the ONLY thing I wouldn't do yourself is that damned timing belt. Everything else seems fine, but that TB can really be a nightmare (or so Ive been told). Maybe its a good excuse to drive your car down to Seattle and have the acura dealership do a scheduled TB change. (summer time of course).

I feel like I am extremely well suited to give advice on this particular matter do to the fact I purchased my NSX march of last year and my baby was born June 10th last year:) It isnt just a car to me, it makes me happy.. very very happy. And when you feel like all you do is live to change poopie diapers and feed bottles at 245am a soulful brisk drive will make life a little less.... crappy LOL

Ive heard my wife tell me its never the right time to have a baby so we should just do it. The same holds true for the NSX. It is NEVER a good investment. Its about getting your dream car - and feeling like a kid all over again.

As for the responsibility in your life.... wear your seat belt... people are counting on your now!

PM me if you want to chat with me or hear from my wife how the NSX actually improved our family life!
I bought my first NSX while my wife was 6 mos pregnant with our first child. It was an emotional purchase to satisify my selfish needs (which my wife disapproved of). Would I do it again? YES.

The good thing is if you don't buy an NSX now, then there's always plently of them on the Marketplace!
Are you people nuts? He stated that the purchase of a NSX was starting to toy with their long term financial plans. His wife is going to have a baby. What about the long term planing for his kids future? When does the long term reality hit in for you folks? For gods sake, this is a car. Where does your responsibility lie? I am so tired of reading posts of how some 20 year old kid asks about how he can finance a $25,000 car. I mean really, where does your responsibilities lie? In these economic times, how much will a college education costs for his child? Who is going to pay for our economic situation? Your children. What will there lifestyle be? OK, who cares, just buy a used NSX to satisfy your gratification. WOW!
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The good thing is if you don't buy an NSX now, then there's always plently of them on the Marketplace!

this is a good point as they were made until 2005... not always going to be available, but should be for a while... and the newer models will only get cheaper. i bought my 300ZX Twin Turbo a while ago since they were getting harder and harder to find. (1996 was the last year) the NSX i'm not stressing too much about, but if i find a gem, i try to jump on it.

you know if you love these cars, get em while you're young enough to enjoy them... its ironic they make cramped low relatively uncomfortable cars that you can only afford once you are older and your body is deteriorating. i'm a large guy and i'm handicapped, so driving these cars is no easy task... but the joy it brings me is greater than the discomfort i will endure, so its worth it.
I bought my first NSX while my wife was 6 mos pregnant with our first child. It was an emotional purchase to satisify my selfish needs (which my wife disapproved of). Would I do it again? YES.

The good thing is if you don't buy an NSX now, then there's always plently of them on the Marketplace!

Fwiw, going between a 996tt to a NSX is a sideways move a bit different than just selling a TL for a NSX IMHO.

It all comes down to disposable income, if a married individual with a family needs to make financial sacrifices for a toy, then he or she would be better off financially not purchasing the toy in the first place.
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I had an 05 TL navi auto ughhh and I currently have an 08 TL type-s navi
and I would trade my current TL for any year NSX. lol

I would not trade my 1992 NSX for anything.

I would not trade my 2004 NSX for anything, but will sell it when its fixed up( fire damage) one day

but my 1992 is in my family for the long haul LOL
A newborn did'nt stop me. I deluted the baby formula enough to stretch out one feeding into 3 maybe 4 feedings. I also reused diapers that were just barely peed in. Saved enough to pay the car note every month including modding.
. Yes I'm kidding!!!!:biggrin:
David I almost fell out of my chair.

my wife-to-be is a nurse and she said this baby came in the ER one day that was under feed the mother told the investigators she feed her all the time.

she said "milk was getting expensive so she would add water to the bottle to make the bottles last longer." dumb ass parents

she works at a hospital in a bad area if you get me
David you just made my day!!

To top it off i was thinking the same thing! My wife is 4 months pregnant and i could soo totally see myself saying the same thing just to get a reaction out of people. Good laugh Thanks I needed it. :biggrin:
I say keep the Legacy and the TL and start saving for an NSX.

I would not want to go from a TL to a beater to just to have an NSX to drive occasionally.

You said you like to drive them till they die. The Legacy and the TL still have a lot of life left and it sounds like you don't drive to much. Start saving now and soon enough it will happen.
You know what? Compulsive moves depend on what you buy and your imcome. I bought my Fit, MR2 Turbo and CTS in cash on a compulsion...that was a $45K of total compulsion and now I want to buy a NSX in a compulsive manner. But I make a very well living and it has not hurt me and I am not married nor do I have a kid. But I'm about to get married soon and I WILL get my NSX before baby arrives.

In OP's situation I would actually advice different. You only have another car in which you want to sell to finance this car....bad move. A NSX should never be a primary car and IMO a NSX should never be financed. If you can afford to pay $30K plus for a almost 20 year old car then you better be able to afford it. If this will put you in a financialy bad situation, just wait. Your wife and kid should always be first.
I bought my first NSX while my wife was 6 mos pregnant with our first child. It was an emotional purchase to satisify my selfish needs (which my wife disapproved of). Would I do it again? YES.

The good thing is if you don't buy an NSX now, then there's always plently of them on the Marketplace!

My wife supported my 3rd NSX purchase when we just had our daughter Cielle. Do it so long as your family doesn't suffer as a are nice to have even if you don't use them often